Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity - Tuesday 26 March 2024, 5:00pm - Slides Tab - Folkestone & Hythe webcasting

Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity
Tuesday, 26th March 2024 at 5:00pm 










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  1. Cllr Jim Martin
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  1. Mr Jake Hamilton
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  1. Cllr Jim Martin
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  1. Cllr Jim Martin
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  1. Mr Ola Owolabi
  2. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  3. Mr Ola Owolabi
  4. Cllr Jim Martin
  5. Mr Ola Owolabi
  6. Cllr Jim Martin
  7. Cllr Jim Martin
  8. Cllr Mike Blakemore
  9. Cllr Jim Martin
  10. Cllr Jim Martin
  11. Webcast Finished
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Cllr Jim Martin - 0:00:08
good afternoon Members, and welcome to the meeting of the Folkestone parks and pleasure grounds charity. This meeting will be webcast live to the internet, for those who do not wish to be recorded or filmed, you will need to leave the Chamber now for members officers and others speaking at the meeting. It is important that the microphones are used, so viewers on the webcast and others in the room may hear you
would anyone with a mobile phone, please switch it to silent mode as they can be distracting, I would like to remind Members that, although we have strong opinions on the matters under consideration, it is important to treat members, officers and public speakers with respect.

1. Apologies for absence

so welcome everyone the first item is a apologies for absence, thank
Mr Jake Hamilton - 0:01:05
you leader, we have two apologies from Councillor Schofield and Peter.
thank you very much.

2. Declarations of interest

3. Minutes

Cllr Jim Martin - 0:01:13
declarations of interest do any Members wish to make a declaration of interest, okay, jolly good, so the item number 3 is to agree as a true record the minutes of the meeting held on the 31st of January 2024.
does anyone have any issues or concerns with those minutes, no can I take them as agreed?
a great jolly good.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:02:02
thank you very much, members, I am moving on to the first item of substantive business.

4. Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity - fees and charges

item 4.
of folks from parks and playgrounds, charity fees and charges for 2024 25.
are you going to lead us through this report, thank you very much over
Mr Ola Owolabi - 0:02:23
the yesterday 0 did, I think, thanks so much the paper in front of few is to provide, and always to present.
recommended updated fees and charges for 24 25. The boardwear will remember that, on the 31st of January, I presented the Charity Budget for 2009 25, which actually includes the fees and charges. Since then we've been having conversations with our our tax advisor on VAT related issues, and we have since been advised that some of the fees and charges that was previously approved needs to be changed from standard so non vegetable variety. The tabula top-end is to contain an updated set of fees and charges, including is cliff exclusive pay and play
and as there is no HVDC that should be charged, we are actually keeping the forthcoming fees and charges as at 23.24 prices with no increments, no increases and no HVDC to be added on.
section 2.2 of the report detailed the is clear from pay and we say that the charges for 23 24 is equal to the proposal charge for 25 for 24 25, and the vat category has changed from beneath standard to non variable standard I'm happy to start their unanswered questions, thank you.
thank you very much Chair.
members' questions, Councillor Blackman.
thank you, Chair, is this has changed, as has happened this year,
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 0:04:25
where these fees possible in the past, but I want from now on.
yes, correct, this is a new regulation that came to play, I think it
Mr Ola Owolabi - 0:04:35
was six about six seven months ago which have to be effective from 1st of April.
and when we put that budget paper together we are characteristic and advice in terms of how is it applicable to some artificial challenges with our judges, so the consultant deviates advice that came back to us very, very late which is around February and as a result of that we have to come back here to react to seek the approval of the
updated results, I just thank you.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:05:15
operates on just to clarify the previous advice was that some of these charges were VATable, but now our latest advice is that they're not VATable, and that is why this has come back to us is is that correct? So so in effect, although it makes no difference to us because it doesn't matter to us it comes in, it goes out. This is actually a better deal for anyone who who uses these facilities because they don't have the PBA to the grid
that's a good place.
Mr Ola Owolabi - 0:05:52
Western priority unaided.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:05:56
the any other members got any clarification or Mike and I was just
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:06:05
going to say I think it's welcome, the prices are being fixed, as
Cllr Mike Blakemore - 0:06:08
we've often said that it's an underused resource in the district and used facility, and hopefully we could do some comes around the fact that prices are fixed at last year's rates and encouraged more people to use them.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:06:24
yeah, I wholeheartedly agree with that, I think I think it is a hidden jewel if you like, and we should do more to promote it definitely is everyone happy with that so.
I am happy to move the paper if I could have a seconder Councillor Blackmore to second all those in favour, please indicate.
and I think, is that at the end of their business this afternoon.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:06:57
thank you very much for your attendance, not particularly long, but a saint.