Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday 16 July 2024, 7:00pm - Folkestone & Hythe webcasting
Planning and Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 16th July 2024 at 7:00pm
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- Appeals update Mar-Jun 24 FINAL
- Appeals update Appendix A - 42 High Knocke
- Appeals update Appendix B - Landsell Cottage
- Appeals update Appendix C La Toppa
- Appeals update Appendix D Jesson Close
- Appeals update Appendix E Grafton Cottage
- Appeals update Appendix F Seaspray
- Appeals update Appendix G 1 Southwinds
- Appeals update Appendix G 2 Southwinds Costs
- Appeals update Appendix H Acoustic GRG
- Appeals update Appendix I 1 Gainsborough Close
- Appeals update Appendix I 2 Gainsborough Close Costs
- Lobbying Form
- Supplementary Sheet - Committee 18.07.2024
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:00:05
good evening and welcome to remain 2 of the Planning and Licensing Committee. This meeting will be webcast live to the internet, for those who do not wish to be recorded or filmed, you will need to leave the Chamber for members officers and others speaking at the meeting. It is important that the microphones are used so that viewers on the webcast and others in the room my here you would then run with the mobile phone police switched to silent1 Apologies for Absence
Mr Alex Baker - 0:01:32
thank you Chair, we absolutely apologies from Councillor is probably by Mark.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:01:41
good evening, thank you, what I would say if you can come a little bit closer to the might because I have problems here and we are not going to go away, thank you.2 Declarations of Interest
3 Minutes
4 23/2082/FH - Plot B, Mountfield Road, Land Rear Plot 15, Collins Road, New Romney, TN28 8LH
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:02:31
dash 2082 dash as ancient do we have any updates, please no updates.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:02:35
thank you, so we'll come on to our first speaker, which is actually Councillor Paul Thomas Councillor Thomas should add everybody else you can remind suited if you so wish, or you can go to the podium.Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:02:58
excellent report, thank you very much are very easy to follow.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:03:26
non-porous, just to say, I am happy to second and be one of the thingsCllr Gary Fuller - 0:03:33
that I really like about it actually is the is half of the parking spaces bringing Electric yeah for electric vehicles or thought that was a really good sort trend to set as it were and something that hopefully others will follow.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:03:50
speak on this item, Councillor garage, thank you, it's true, and justCllr Clive Goddard - 0:03:54
to echo Councillor Thomas, really excellent report, they get bedroom, vary each age rating, but you are very important for the morale, obviously Mountfield is the hub of of industry on the motion and will no longer be so fully support it and,Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:04:14
yeah, minority, thank you can Scott out Councillor sheep, thank you,Cllr Rebecca Shoob - 0:04:18
probably not surprisingly, took that focus to hit it was just on the on the plans it sort of or in the bushes right on the the for the far edge and just you know is,Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:04:53
thank you, can we possibly asked the applicant to look at whether cycle storages and I totally take that on board, because the last thing you want is your your wet turning up to work on your break in the bad weather, and then you're having to walk through the mud to get to the actual officers or the unit, so I do take that on board but are being told that the officer can speak to the moment.Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:05:19
Mr David Campbell - 0:05:27
yes, I mean we can raise it with them, but just that you are aware we are being asked to approve the plans for the before you today, the advantage of having the cycle storage in the position that it is is that it is covered with landscaping, so the idea I think would have been to make it aesthetically more pleasing it's also about the way of any parking and vehicle movements so,Cllr Rebecca Shoob - 0:05:58
perhaps, on those grounds, perhaps might ask them for the the car parking to be more aesthetically pleasing.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:06:06
as we said, we're looking at the application that's referrals today, and we have a proposer and seconder with anyone else, Councillor Richard.Cllr James Butcher - 0:06:16
Cllr Rebecca Shoob - 0:06:21
just on that point, I think if you're a cyclist, the idea that the chauffeur is particularly pleasing rather than convenient, it would be nice to see designers on their bikes when deciding where to put some shelters just a couple of questions condition 8 about biodiversity and I appreciate this is.Mr David Campbell - 0:06:53
and so, yes, it's and biodiversity net gain is quite a new piece of legislation for us, and if I'm honest, Wirral need are getting to grips with it.Cllr Rebecca Shoob - 0:07:28
I think thank you and just another question I appreciate where we're looking at the plans as submitted, I'm just curious about what our options are to expect or encourage rooftop solar, on warehouse developments.Mr David Campbell - 0:07:44
yes, I mean we we we we can put on.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:08:11
what I would say again is we're looking at the application as it stands this evening.Cllr Rebecca Shoob - 0:08:32
was what's our scope and as plans come forward to create that expectation because he's a whole load easier to do it in something being built gremlin retrofitting later on?Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:08:46
I would, I would say, actually, that that's outside the scope of this Committee this evening and I will pass that if you want, if you like,Mr David Campbell - 0:08:55
to come back on that certainly, and I think this is the first thing to draw your attention to is the condition 17 that where we've asked for BREEAM very good standard or equivalent so in terms of energy efficiency that was our that that's how we wish to encourage them to be as good as they possibly can be.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:09:16
are you happy with that answer, Councillor Richard, thank you, would anyone else like to speak on this?Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:09:25
Councillor means that any really thank you, Chairman, to, and also what people have said previously and to say in our Mountfield that Mountfield is industrial unit for the Marsh, it is a place where we want to create employment and so coming coming forward with this application I think is great.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:09:46
so I will be supporting me, thank you, I think we all support anything that will bring well needed jobs into the area, so we have one proposal and that is to accept the officer's recommendation.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:10:02
I can see that she unanimously that has passed, thank you very much.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:10:12
so we move on to our second.5 24/0466/FH - 25 Dymchurch Road, St Marys Bay, Romney Marsh, TN29 0ET
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:10:43
thank you, Jay us, for a couple of updates or, and more matters of clarification, say the proposal description itself should read Retention of and use of existing outbuilding, there is a word missing from the proposal, and we were also suggesting an amendment to condition 2 that should read all visiting customers deliveries and collections according associated with commercial breeding and setting of fish should not be carried out except between the hours within that condition.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:11:14
thank you, thank you, we have two speakers on this, our first speaker is Andrew Green, who is to speak on behalf of the application, so if you'd like to come forward.Microphone Forty - 0:11:33
good evening more names Andy Green on the applicant 24th in Church Road. After 42 years we took the decision in 2022 2 semi, which are a move to Kent and seize their begin. Fish species just offering a very small Scouse and special goldfish, especially is keeping and breeding these fish has been my lifelong hobby. We do not show any other fish apart from goldfish. We do advertised viewing by appointment as we want you to avoid at all costs people just turning up on our doorstep, thinking reassure. However, if you're a local residents, we have allowed a collection to site carries charge of 30 pounds. The 66 potential Facebook check-ins comments made previously by Councillor Mike Blakemore, was not correct, and it appears that when we were updating our Facebook page, this was automatically creating a checking, so did not represent people actually visiting us, the social media, for what is now being rectified, previously, also mentioned by Councillor probably Blankney where we do advertise open days and seats move into Kane. We have held one in conjunction with bigotry Society of Great Britain exhibition. This took place last September, was held in the St Mary's by village,Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:14:38
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:14:43
and our second speaker tenant is local residents who will check.Microphone Forty - 0:14:57
good evening, anonymous poor wheelchair, I moved to 2014 Church Road in 1988, with my family has therefore been nourished number 25 for 36 years I can speak with some authority and how the property has been used over those years, I note the objections to the application but feel it's important to provide an alternative view in the interests of balance for the first 12 years after we maintain number 25 was occupied by Bernard,Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:18:15
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:18:19
councillors, I'd like to come to Councillor Cooper first and then Councillor Wednesday.Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:18:28
first of all, as elected representatives were which make difficult decisions respected, in full courtesy, Lewes Chair, I would like to say this.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:19:30
possible conditions that being brought forward yeah?Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:24:17
application as is, as I did at the last meeting, I think I mean the applicant has come along and, and either I think it's very clarified it, certainly for me, but I don't see need to add further conditions. I think the conditions are there already in the application are satisfactory is on I move the application as it sounds. Thank you,Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:24:39
Councillor, when they are already had a seconder over here, is that's why certain hands are coming up? I just wonderCllr Nicola Keen - 0:24:50
there's something in here about waste collection between certain period, I don't think you can see that it cannot be clear on that because of medical waste is picked up at 7.00 in the morning, we can't get towards them the time it's when Biffa can come to our house.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:25:25
Cllr Clive Goddard - 0:25:27
Councillor gone up. Thank you Chair your opera or Princess support, my colleague Councillor came in all, I think Mr Green and Mr wheelchair or I've done all their homework, lively store itCllr Jackie Meade - 0:26:00
thank you, Councillor Jones and yeah, just occurring that really, ICllr Anita Jones - 0:26:06
think this is an accident report and it's outlines the issues that we were concerned about last time, so I'm they seem to have been resolved so again really happen to move forward with this and I wish them luckCllr Jackie Meade - 0:26:17
with our business. Thank you, Councillor Jones, Councillor Thomas yeah, thank you Chair just a couple of questions. The second speaker alluded to the fact that some buildings had been knocked down andCllr Paul Thomas - 0:26:26
others have been built in the last few years, but that doesn't appear in Section 4.1 of the report. So how were those buildings built under what approvalCllr Jackie Meade - 0:26:43
if the office would like to thank you, that forms part of the proposalFolkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:26:47
description for the retention of and use of that outbuilding and would form part of the planning permission should it be granted here.Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:26:59
so that in in essence, is a retrospective request, OK that sort of gone on that, thank you very much, and if I may as well Chair in the neighborhood, prime percent Marianne, the Marsh.Mr David Campbell - 0:27:51
terms of relooking at the the Neighbourhood Plan agreement. I mean, that would be a decision for the Parish Council if they wish to revisit re re, because it that one I mean as the application stands in line with current policy, and that's what we've got to basically assess it on tonight, and I think we we, we can't identify any conflicts with it, although the council's plan, or indeed the neighborhood plan, eitherCllr Paul Thomas - 0:28:19
plankton item we've had a number of times over the years for for different applications, and that is if people follow the rules from day one, then we won't be dealing with some of the things that we have to deal with in a retrospective manner. So again I think the message needs to go out that if people do follow the rules and get planning or planning permission for things before they actually stopped building, then all those things which sit down stream that can be dealt with in in in a more collaborative way is is one. So thank you very muchCllr Jackie Meade - 0:28:50
Chair, thank you, Councillor Thomas Murray, beneath that would be absolutely perfect role, but unfortunately it doesn't always work like that. Councillor forCllr Gary Fuller - 0:29:03
been sort of, I wanna, come round and spoken to a number.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:29:55
thank you, Councillor Fuller, I know that the consultation letters, our and under law as to who needs to be consulted, and I'm absolutely certain that they have gone through and the notices, et cetera, et cetera, but you may well be right because we do find quite a lot to applications where people say 0, I never knew about that and they did just round the corner so they wouldn't have been included so maybe hopefully something I will come through as the new planning laws come through Councillor Butcher,Cllr Rebecca Shoob - 0:30:28
programme and just to reply to Gary that, I think, on the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme we've got planning and it's how communities engage with planning, as the topic at some point carbon bomb sample.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:30:39
lovely to hear, on top of that already.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:31:22
that's unanimous good luck with your business and I hope you enjoy it, thank you very much.6 Appeals Update
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:31:43
so Committee and I did quite had a quick on this evening and non graduates gone so well.Mr David Campbell - 0:32:11
yes, thank you yeah, we were pleased that.Cllr Gary Fuller - 0:32:52
those learnings especially round, so I mean having been sort of tangentially involved in that I did feel like maybe the Heritage Officer was being very strict, as it were, and perhaps is the planning inspector agreed, say the something we can look at in terms of yes this whole issue.Mr David Campbell - 0:33:15
yes, apologies I missed, I missed grafting cottage of my list but yeah certainly there will be an early opportunity there to.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:33:24
Cllr Jeremy Speakman - 0:33:29
I think, yes, where we appeal.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:34:12
in reply to that, I think we're doing quite well, we can always do better, 100% in our favour would be nice, but I think we do better, would anyone else might to ask any more questions, Councillor Walker, it's not actually requested show that it is just the comments sayingCllr Belinda Walker - 0:34:27
and that's our boundary bays and appreciate Mr Councillor anybody else things reports of another youthful Monday morning.Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:34:36
and I totally agree with that, Councillor Malcolm, would anyone else like to say anything no, so that is the end of the planning.- Declarations of Interest, opens in new tab
- Minutes Public Pack, 18/06/2024 Planning and Licensing Committee, opens in new tab
- 23-2082 Plot B, Mountfield Ind Estate FINAL, opens in new tab
- 23-2082-FH, opens in new tab
- 24-0466-FH-25 Dymchurch Road FINAL, opens in new tab
- 24-0466-FH, opens in new tab
- 24-0466-FH- Appendix A - 25 Dymchurch Road-FINAL, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Mar-Jun 24 FINAL, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix A - 42 High Knocke, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix B - Landsell Cottage, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix C La Toppa, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix D Jesson Close, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix E Grafton Cottage, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix F Seaspray, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix G 1 Southwinds, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix G 2 Southwinds Costs, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix H Acoustic GRG, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix I 1 Gainsborough Close, opens in new tab
- Appeals update Appendix I 2 Gainsborough Close Costs, opens in new tab
- Lobbying Form, opens in new tab
- Supplementary Sheet - Committee 18.07.2024, opens in new tab