1 Apologies for Absence
Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the meeting of the Personnel
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:00:08
Committee. This meeting will be webcast live to the internet. For those of you who do not wish to be recorded or films, you will need to leave the Chamber for members officers and other speaking at the meeting. It is important that the microphones are used so that viewers on the webcast and others in the room. I hear you, would anyone with a mobile phone, please turn it to silent as they can be distracting. I would like to remind Members that, although we have strong opinions on matters under consideration, it is important to treat members officers and public speakers with respect. Thank you and good afternoon. Everyone right item number 1, apologies for absence. Thank you Chair. We have one apology from Councillor hallway, Mr Jake Hamilton - 0:00:47
thank you. 2 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:00:50
item number 2 declarations of interest to any members have anything they wish to declare. Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:00:58
again happy my normal declaration platform now original officer, my bones. thank you.
3 Minutes
item number 3 minutes The minutes of the last meeting,
held on the 12th March, to agree those as a correct record.
I came into the main building things.
4 Appointment of Joint Staff Consultative Panel
item number 4, the appointment of the Joint staff Consultative Panel.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:01:35
and we note should know what we're doing here, but did you want to just say a cricket equate to quick in? so this needs to be.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:01:46
directly as well. for each party.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:02:02
and from memory, the previous one was. Ms Andrina Smith - 0:02:07
so the three weeks yeah, because he wasn't yeah, I was just wondering Cllr Connor McConville - 0:02:10
if it was at Richard, aligned at that. yeah
some years ago.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:02:19
Mrs Jones. employee experience.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:02:27
looking at job just to check with the highest quality Personnel Committee is you are thought it is at present, it's. Dr
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:02:40
so let me say you happy to continue in the role along with Hello, which them. thank you want just to propose and second oppose, second or in favour.
thank you very much, OK, that was quick item number 5 have a staff consultative forum in terms of reference, thank you, Andrew.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:03:09
consultation forum set up some of the way back, around 2005, it has elected staff reps annually. and it links generally for eight tonnes a year.
it sounds reference has actually been considered for this policy, I since that 2016 and it was felt that the recent restructuring bins now appointments to be refreshed by and bring it back, to speak to him, to consider there's two copies of the terms of reference in the pack to Appendix A gives you the tracked changes so you can see what would have proposes the policy changes.
is also Appendix B if it's easy to read and copies of the documents, this three lane.
changes that it's worth noting, the first one is that the terms now explicitly reference the Health and Safety Committee, and it's always been a part of the staff on central form, it takes the first Barbara of donating each time you chaired by the Health and Safety Officer but there's never been anything including exquisite it out from what that would cover so devalued that internet and clear,
and we've also suggested unreasonable, Karen divorce, two financial years, sorry to miss Councillor business.
and it seems to fit better, as was at pains insurance as well, rather than charging reps are essentially midwifery that that process.
and also the provision of an annual update to see all rates on issues that you discuss, as has previously there hasn't been a requirement to be that Portstewart, there's been a response to that, at least on an annual basis, and obviously the service something urgent that came up that we need to be brought to our attention we do that for much put as much pressure was happy to take questions I'll then,
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:04:56
thank you, Andrew Matthews, Councillor, the recommendations are to receive and note the report and obviously had approve the new terms of reference to any members of any questions, comments or concerns over the report. Councillor haunts, me racing sensible saying this to me.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:05:13
I'm happy to Nicole reflects. Cllr Connor McConville - 0:05:19
just one thing from me in for point 7 just the
no time time allowed for HRA, you know, for duties for four rep for for the representatives and reducing that I mean I understand I wanted approximately those sorts of words in the terms of reference, but I didn't know any sort of consultation had gone home with any of the any of the represented in their into terms of just lowering the amount of Tunnel. You know what's the rational behind that
in general.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:05:52
six to seven weeks. location.
contact by e-mail.
seven or eight reps, maybe once or twice a year.
a short period of time, so if there's more required and also looking at the position India at the moment.
history says that.
that's OK.
Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:06:28
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:06:48
just very since March has been treated by the time they need there's no set on all set anyway in terms of the agreements, and we've worked very closely with markets as regional areas and Deputy Executive in different parts of the organisation. Cllr Connor McConville - 0:07:05
OK and are we we agreed to receive a note and and approve the terms of reference as seconds, Councillor Martin Owen Kramer or grades, probably for key. 5 Staff Consultative Forum Terms of Reference
6 Gender Pay Gap Reporting
item number 6 is the gender pay gap reporting which we receive annually originally Gunner, told us through some of this.
thank you very much Chair.
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:07:34
this report here outlines the Council's statutory obligations regarding the publication of gender pay gap data and provides the data for the 2023 24 reporting year. the Council is required to calculate gender pay gap data and publish this both on our website and on a dedicated government website on an annual basis, the salary data that referred to in the report relates to a mandatory snapshot date at the 31st of March 2023.
one was published prior to the reporting deadline, which was the 30th of March 2024.
the gender pay gap is different to equal pay, equal pay relates to men and women receiving equal pay for equal work, which has been a legal requirement for nearly 50 years now.
while the gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women across the organisation.
we are required to undertaken published six different calculations, all of which can help and explain agenda Hagger these calculations are all outlined in section 2 of the report.
the gender pay gap is expressed as a percentage of men's pack, so just to explain some of those percentage figures that you'll see in section 2, where we see a positive percentage figure, this shows that on average, men how higher paid positions than women if we see a negative position though next represented by indicates that typically or overall women are paid more an organisation,
upload 6 calculations, I would particularly like to draw the Committee's attention to paragraph 2.1, point 3, which is on page 24 of the document pack.
this shows the median average pay of men and women across the organisation, the reason why I wanted to agree your attention to that one in particular is that is because it's often considered the best representation of the typical difference between the earnings of men and women and is therefore the gender pay gap figure that is often referred to in the publications that you say is up to date percentage figure that you will say reported in the news.
the calculation this organisation in this reporting year resulted in a 0% figure which shows there is no gaps in the typical pay of male and female employees across the Council.
alongside that, for those those sets of data, the Council publishes are supporting narrative.
on our website to help people understand the data and highlight the actions the Council is taking to reduce the gender pay gap, I would therefore also like to draw the Committee's attention to Section 3.2 of the report, which begins on page 27 of the document prior,
is that outlines in more detail the actions the Council has taken and continues to take to support gender diversity and to reduce any gender pay gap, I'm obviously happy to take any questions.
the original
so open it up to to Members, obviously I mean it's just a report for
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:10:49
us to receive and note that if any Members have any questions, comments or concerns arising from the report. now.
Councillor Amesbury, to say thank you for your explanation.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:11:02
I read this delivery times model, do I understanding? this is the doesn't get out and it's great.
we're actually for.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:11:17
thank you, Councillor Cleasby any other Members wish having elevated to add. couple of things from so Fritchie, you'll see.
whether that's good about it mean in terms of we were, we were sort of in the negatives for the medium last year, when we, so I mean 0 0 is espouses is good but
if we say the median is the sort of a true reflection of the figure, then if we look at some of the bonus sort of things I mean in 2.2 1, you rightly say that that figure is skewed by a particular appointment, but if we look at the the median average where
one of one-off payments to females is is 250, but the medium payments mouse's 500 of minutes I don't know if there's anything you can sort of say about that in terms of rationale is that just?
due to little one officer is that, or is that sort of just irregular as we go so?
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:12:25
thank you, and yes, I would highlight that there are low values and low proportion of things, types of payment and again. the Badie and figure difference difference quite differently,
so the marriage, I think.
where is it that is explained in?
Bear with me here we are at Yes, 2.2, which is on page 25 of the document that we took about 11 staff receiving these types of payment, so of that there were only three men and women, so therefore I think any data that we come up with it from that is is likely to fluctuate near Romeo.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:13:16
because just in terms of the you know the sort of the shift from from last year sort of about 0, I mean, it's clear that the the male pay has increased in the organisation or as an average over the past year, so you know, is there any sort of narrative around that I mean as it is an internal,
promotions, perhaps or as the majority of people that were recently taken taken on or is it has anything to do with the transformation that we've had, is there any sort of rationale, or is it just a natural, just a natural occurrence in his that is likely to be that the trend is obviously probably too early to say, but I would read Rugby think that we'd stay where we are go down or go or keep on that upward trend of off because we have had that we have a long trend of of that sort of going we were positive what three years ago I think, and then we will be dipped into that sort of negative where females were getting more and that was sort of going back up so.
trying to get a bit of a crystal ball, sort of exercise, but
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:14:29
yes, that certainly in or which don't think it is. transformation exercise is having an impact on the day-to-day you see in front of you because it's based on a snapshot tight of
at March 2023, so it's always quite retrospective whether that will have an impact or not, I think that, given the size of the organisation any organisation with more than 250 staff need to do this, we have about 450 so were not as large as at medium or large size organisations that are producing fairly, I think sometimes quite
even or static result from year to year, we do see some fluctuations and I think that is caused by some changes in in staffing and staffing structures.
can have a seemingly larger impact on our averages, so I would say, and I think there was a little bit that allude to it in the report is while I would focus on, of course, highlighted the Committee's attention, the actions that we're taking around.
in considering and quality, and I'm trying to reduce any gender pay cut inside those things, I would like to see having a positive effect, I am also mindful that are trying to track fluctuate from year to year.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:15:50
Dr Susan Priest - 0:15:51
thank you for that St neutral add something, if I may, just just to add. I'm going to sort of ask a question as much as contribute to the debate, I guess there is an interesting point, but I just really wanted to remind members that I think.
for the last certainly last pay, possibly the two last pay awards new, have agreed a differentiated hey, where the lower grade, some forgive me, Andrew, you know how she rubbish should know this officer from ahead, but you know we're something like 7.7% reducing to a 3% overall and because of the nature of the gender breakdown of the roles I the question I get on, my reflection is whether
the work that you've done with the pay settlements, which has helped to move at the lower grades which typically has been occupied by the manual workers and the men, or that is then being played out now for some of the data that was seen so it's probably just a reflection about you know some of the the the conscious decisions that we've made and that you've you've made in rewarding staff you know probably taken at a time to sort of come through as an indicator through some of the staff.
so that might be an explanation in there as well, with just a supplementary, I don't know if you want to comment on that Richard
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:17:15
from extensive amendment, coherent or not you have thank you, thank you although admittedly collected to make that point yes, so our next snapshot site would be March 2024, so we won't actually yet see the impact Branxton confirmed. for the 1st of April pay next year, but in future years goodwill and, as Susan quite rightly pointed out, there were some decisions made around waiting a pig, there has also been some top evaluations and things like that that had been happening in the council which will affect our datasets and we will have to obviously assess the results of that.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:17:50
thank you for that Councillor, keen to ensure that. Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:17:54
if public services and Local government have more away things being more women than men evening, hi Bill, you're seeing more women now in before, because of the changes and shifts in absolute as well, so I would think may be that bats offset a lot and I know unseen in other councils that there were more women in the top job from around the end of 1974. Cllr Connor McConville - 0:18:22
any other councils only may want to add thanks, so we're just receive a note this, accordingly, we happy to agree to receive a note greed. OK, thank you.
moving on Item number 7.
so the reason that reasonable adjustments at work policy,
Angelina, to introduce thanks.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:18:47
the course yet. 410 and is very nice expectations, which we should be making reasonable adjustments for disabled employees.
in order for the same opportunity to be bold.
7 Reasonable adjustments at work policy
here at the Council would always ensure that adjustments are made to accommodate any requirements on historically received, things like Dragon software being used for people who are struggling through the Mosul keyboard, touching the arguments, keyboards Charles hijacked, effects on all of that is often as it has been balance not easy business.
more recently would have had to make some modifications to the actual deals that will face, including access doors on some of the clause I need to say goodbye.
and the work the was highlighted, the fact that we should really have a policy to cover reasonable adjustments and on what all this means for managers.
so that all your expectations can be really explicitly clear on responsibility for a job that line managers for safety's buildings.
so this is a new policy, I'm and as such it requires the people from this Committee we brought enterprise in the policies on page 35 3 pounds.
also included just as information needed on an additional appendix at page 39, which is the guidance framework both in Britain for managers and that outlines in more detail about how to identify we may need adjustment.
of course, decide whether that assessment is reasonable and West, get additional advice and support on offer to ensure that the right people involved at the right time it does move forwards in an inappropriate way.
goodish news over the coming months, we'll be launching this option, the manager's office on holiday under the mandatory training programme as well, it's gonna be outlining words responsible says generally in terms of equality and diversity.
but also highlighted the responsibilities around this, to start again on, to ensure that everyone is aware of what should be happening.
and emergency support as needed, witnesses once-and-for-all, so perhaps take questions, I'm sorry.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:20:55
thank you, Sarah and Angelina said a brand new policy, so we don't have an old wanted to see tracked changes or anything like that to do any Members have any questions, comments, concerns or they wish to raise with policy or, Councillor K, we.
Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:21:17
are we get in that also meant that staff have got caring responsibility for disabled partners husbands wives? and adjustments search said they need, which is said there are times when people need to be typing, dependants of aspect look forward to die, are being included in the absolutely no, not, it is specifically
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:21:42
about reasonable adjustments to workplace willing to employees want to do their jobs. that's obviously be coming under flexible working request and carers, leave and so on, so it's dealt with not in this format.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:21:58
her songs, yes, I mean, it's a good, firstly I have to say, and I Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:22:03
think it's probably about time, that the EU had dishonestly. I just wonder, is about identity pensioned there needs to be obviously quite another Tony in terms of acting identifying it as either, personally I would find that quite difficult to do so, you would need some training and that's really important and when I looked at the list at the end I thought you know there's quite a long referral things you can do and obviously in terms of resources that's also also costs and resources and I just wonder whether there's any comments on that.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:22:45
I think this is work in progress which is certainly since I've been here did not had adaptations England in the scale of what we've done over the last 12 months and that's really what kickstarted this, so I think that there is will be watching this mandate and training programmes to start with in September, I think it is as managers we will keep working with managers with surroundings in HR because I'm not sure whether this is training for our staff make sure they can to provide additional support and we will keep a monitoring view over it. so that if someone is?
it is fine, at least, for some support and some adjustments to make sure that we can actually overseeing that we can, which you will see all tea or aware of the COVID, are asked at the coming through.
and we take the view that there are still the best thing I can say that it's it's gonna development your time that we make sure this channel.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:23:38
printer Hornsby now I'm just carry on with some of those points. I say quite a quite happy with the policy.
I think the policy would be better if there was something specific in there about training and and what was any expectation or how training forms part of the policy, so I mean I was separate, separate section, specific training.
and also I mean you, it's it's a as it is a new policy and work in progress.
I think it is recommended for review in 2027, but I think it should come back to the Committee next, you know within a year and just to just to see how it how it has progressed in and you know, is it working, you know what what what has changed or possibly I think I think three years renew policies probably a bit too big too long.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:24:29
policy. Cllr Connor McConville - 0:24:42
any other Councillors have any if you may wish to add to this. right, okay,
we need to.
so receive and note the report and approve the new the new policy, so I'm happy to propose with some of those amendments Councillor Hollingbery happy to second and all in favour.
8 HR Annual Review (2023/24)
and that's unanimous, that's great, thank you right the larger four largest piece of beer of the of the PAC's day, so item number 8, the HR annual Review pages 47 to 78 and draining introducing this as well, thank you.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:25:23
so let's just make reference. I think this report.
I'm just.
I'm certainly not.
and then.
questions on anything.
we can.
absences highlighted in section 4 49
we have seen an increase in mortgage rates at this time employee rising to 7 days for six and a half in previous years.
we are not alone in seeing this in Greece nationally, absence has been reported as always hostile 20 years and you can see grassing him report also show where we stand in relation to our amendments as well, so whereas it misses it might increased but we're seeing in Hunslet position on in terms of benchmarking, mental ill health and stress or our highest absence of reasons and again we're seeing those pictures consecutive national, it's not unusual to us and those stresses and so all I'm not necessarily work stress there's a lot of our external pressures and so on that come into play with this.
the team work very closely with managers and to understand the causes of absences, it asked what they are and identify the most appropriate way and time to bring these individuals back to work on it is very much on an individual case by case approach so that this never one size fits all and talking with absence.
I think what I'll just mention 0 hour contracts, it's national decency comma of legal attention in recent months, and what are we going to continue to do so under the new government?
you can see in section 5.6, which is on page 58,
we only have a few 0 hour contracts at the Council and many of the staff on the contracts at hardcore, or maybe I should prefer this option, which means they can choose the shifts they want to do and it suits them around of a job or loss of savings on a house currently we don't have any concern around currently using the particularly types of contracts.
and also with all people of enormous integrity initiatives in the area and keep them under review as we move forward.
members of the Committee, and also be aware of taking stock projects and the staff from January last year and resulted in a restructure debt formal tender price in 124, section 12 of the report on Page 17, and provide you with an update on that work.
and you'll remember that the only to reduce the salaries budget by 1.5 million Ross, including on costs, will achieve this by seven different methods, and in order deleting long-term vacant posts then deleting some posts that we've rotated between the 23 24 years. The voluntary redundancy programme was the last stage, compulsory redundancy or from the response to the possible redundancies. I hope Members will grace and given the scale of savings it will require the outcome of only having three compulsory redundancies is actually really positive position.
in addition, the cost of the redundancy payments in associated pension strain on 10 to 668,000 there's a payback period of less than 12 months when compared to 2 flats for salary costs involved.
it was reported to operation on the staff Survey is undertaken in April and May negotiations, it was felt more relevant to to highlight this in the report, now wanting to speak to really use Tomlinson back or during the changes itself have experienced over the last year and results are largely positive but there's always work so we can do to improve on all the students will talk a little bit more about some of that within the hesitate for this report shortly.
right, we usually refer to the final section of the report, and Joyce's managed to move the potential workforce that we think we can come up during the war is as we work through the Finance report. However, this paper was written some weeks ago for general election employment in your speech in Parliament yesterday. This is more more clarity. Come through on the plans make work, pay
it's important what's been and so on, it's gonna be introduced, you got from the time and also partly just clearing now I must be shifting, priorities are in for us just under growth, as learning work that you can focus on, dishes is to ensure that was the position for will not be does become legislation and guidance point was on what comes through I'll just just to give you an idea.
Mrs belief based on the conviction that the recent documents from Labour, thank you very much, it doesn't will remain as matter changes to you, but these will be some things that we need to keep in mind also that didn't form part of this report.
bombing file to gloss over the coming months.
but perhaps take questions on offer.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:30:21
OK, thank you for that, Andrew Carter King. Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:30:25
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:30:31
15 was wants to say I'm sorry, 16th, of course, to steal same-sex loans have already lost this, I noticed three, we've got, recruitment Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:30:42
are Redman, the first voluntary redundancies could have gone into those house because I know in most Councillors that we don't advertise again until we've made sure that everybody, and I noticed that Mrs Johnson they weren't planning job.
melanzane and I get that, but why are we recruiting, we've still got people that got taken voluntary redundancies, I am just in it, for my understanding of the Council's is falling, advertise outside will make sure before we allow people to learn so they can't be spotted into those jobs.
so, sorry, it's over the voluntary redundancies, the to them still removal.
one is due to quite within the redshirt programmes given the D and D function.
that ladies more than welcome Sue to apply for the jobs within the council to avoid they believe it's wrong at the moment that that isn't the case, because it was a choice for her to go to make sure that if this is the work we do, the same via the other was is attractive driver, so the chances agreed to point fingers of saying that you know and and this Robert associated policy on speak to highlight, and I think that's to reassure me and all the way through from January we we were working on the telephone needed to do more and to see that within the report he said there was a number that would have been impossible. London
but we found the deployment for them, and we continue to do that, the framework left and there was nothing at that time that we could have given them once again, restructure be asked if notice and the work we're not on those most of them are actually have that Morgan's latest instalment violin seems a long time for us to work with those people who can pass but there isn't something during that time.
and therefore that would obviously takes effect so number by typing traffic passing of redundancy pounds things in the thanks that yeah yeah, so redundant, obviously got.
any other questions or comments from from anyone on the annual report François Hollande's Venus.
I can actually, and then is carried out.
0come on to that, I was concerned about.
so now I understand the extra managing hadn't that's right.
I can't remember what the other point that we are often in a minute.
so a few things from myself.
just in terms of sickness and absence, obviously yeah recognising no mental health stress, and all that, as you know, I assume you collect data in the various teams, and you know is, have you noticed, you know this is the sort of,
higher absences in inserted teams and departments, and you know no no.
are you taking possibly like different course of action dependent on those different teams or circumstances, or is it is it more of a holistic approach to sort of to everyone when, when dealing with this or because obviously be all all people are different managers, a different team leaders are different in the way they interact with their staff, so I don't know if there was anything sort of around that in terms of,
note how the organisation deals with with those particular scenarios if they occur.
OK, thank you, yes, we do, we do have a range of things as standard
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:34:42
and including, Donnelly things like an employee assistance Programme, contact and regular. We have a large ODI intervention here, organisational development, intervention of put on things we run Robins, we haven't mental health first aiders, we have all these things going on, but you are right when we spot something in a particular thing or a particular group, then we have gone in there and we are fortunate enough to have an experienced opening team who are able to do one-to-one coaching and team interventions and things like that, so I think that that have been happening in specific to meet yes and where they have happened to note his there. Cllr Connor McConville - 0:35:21
you know it was there evidence of the data that shows that that's that's words, you know in terms of average days in that sickness in that department being reduced, or is there any sort of metrics that that show that the sort of the value of that work I guess? I don't have that data to hand.
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:35:38
we watched the team, yes, and we would yes review that team and continue to review is possibly more and qualitative data within that team and how they are doing again when you're dealing with bouncers, smaller team in the Council, it's quite difficult to pick up the there quantitative data because it came small numbers have a you have a significant impact, we deal with more, I think, more qualitative approach
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:36:09
janitor due, or do you remember what it was, it was about sickness, so Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:36:14
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:36:17
you and you've covered line, thank you, and just the other point but are sort of stuck out for me was. yeah, there's 7.9, I know you know in years past was sort of proud it ourselves on the work we've done with with apprenticeships and and things like that, so it would no longer if it if it no longer sort of covers itself and that is as disappointing.
I would be interested to know if, if if, if the costs differences is quite larger or or quite quite small in terms of where we are on that I mean make reference to there are a lot of providers, but they might not be as good as we are in that and it's disappointing that we might be able to.
celebrate their successes that we've had in previous years on on on that front.
thank you, I think.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:37:07
it is. what we found.
people wanting to do change their staff and certainly within less than becoming because we cannot get more early on, so there's only certain out turnover within like, so thank God bobble to deliver on, so I think that that's why we took that decision will be sent as to what the local apprenticeships are ones that will drive through any constructive elements on long-term courses that you look at the premises before we go towards scientific when calls, for example,
again, it was numbers and the interaction through the other local authorities where they will have a much more declining, since we wanted to come forward.
I'm trying to get them people through with less staffing most local authorities or work pressures and so on, and it was an important point hard to get people through the completion rates to that Loxley, as no will affect things that Ofsted and the way they would look at this sorry that this balance between providing it on or having a wonderful austere, for example that wouldn't look good reputation in either.
sorry, trying to dance one side of that that long really as to how the final decision.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:38:28
I hope it's something we can still still be open to in the future of circumstances. improve anything else from anyone else, so are we happy to receive and note the HR annual report?
Councillor in favour, utterly, thank you very much.
9 Report of the Head of Paid Service
leaves us so one item to go, so the report of the Head of Paid Service
Dr Susan Priest - 0:38:56
and to Susan thank you, Jayne members, say this is my annual reports that I present them and fascinating to discuss, and it it's a, it's an opportunity for me to confirm that there is inadequate. base of resource for me to take forward the activities that you the you ask of of of May as the Head of Paid Service, and it's also timely, following on from the very detailed and thorough report that you've just had, so there is some cross-reference, their smoked, the report to Angelenos earlier report,
so the report talks about the resources of the Council and whether focused and the point made I'd like to highlight to Members is that there is a real need to come to maintain a strong discipline around the activities of the Council needs to be drawn from your strategic corporate plan, your framework,
much as it is very tempting to do ad hoc activities that Members particularly want to take forward unless there is a clear link to the corporate plan
it bit presents lots of challenges and lots of problems for us, not least in terms of and and realistic expectations of staff.
and additional workplace pressures so that we do need to with a reduced core of staff, as we've just been talking about, we do need to make sure that the activities of the teams relate back to the Corporate Plan, which of course captures our statutory responsibilities and some discretionary activities.
so I've put in paragraph 2.3 that while last year focused on that sort of strategic, we set of the staffing base and the finances attached to that my view for the coming year is that we won't be needing to make said, which was, we won't be needing to make any more redundancies and go into any further staff reductions.
we it's more a case of, have we got the balance quite right and, as Adriana explained earlier, the way in which we did the reductions last year may well.
may well actually result in one or two teams that still needs to have some tweaks and still have some additional resource Putin. So there are some conversations happening at the moment with managers about where we have particularly small teams of, say, 2 months of staff. Is that adequate for the statutory responsibilities that we need to discharge, and that work will go on said that's really well when I was trying to get at in paragraph 2.3, although it might be, it's not that the necessary the financial envelope is going to reduce much further hopefully, and but similar balance within the teams might need to just to make sure that we satisfy the needs and demands coming down from government and another son legislative regulatory changes which of course are not in our control
so this next section talks about management, focus, caring cascading, really right through to when a senior team at all staff and is a little bit there about the staff survey results and I've just highlighted for you in paragraphs 3.3 about the sort of shift in terms of some last time we did the survey to this time, where there was much more of a significant response by staff about pay and benefits, and my reflection is some of the work that you have done in the pay settlements over the last couple of years is actually now factoring through in terms of the survey results, and I think that is potentially why the
the pay and benefits bar chart and slightly come down, but then the
need for more resource or that feeling about the pressures of the workload has come slightly higher, so even though those are the two main elements about what would make section higher than even better place to work.
those are still the two highest, the relative shift between the two, I think, is quite an interesting one and 0 0 and a welcome one to be quite honest in terms of no, we are doing our best, I believe, as a Council to support pay and benefits to our staff but the second one about the resources is just to be I suppose it picks up my reflection of at of earlier.
so in paragraph 3.5 Myers of clearly the ad hoc new activities and are to be avoided because one it means that the management point of view, the status or are not being targeted and focussed, it also can lead to staff being asked to do things outside of their job specification and job role.
and where they may not be trained to do so, so I think the
the focus that needs to be maintained is around delivering against the KPIs, key performance indicators or corporate plan and our service standards, and so that's the sort of theme coming coming through. I'm in terms of the forward look for the for the coming year. Of course we are now just about subject to call-in period following Cabinet last night just about to go out, to consult on the Corporate Plan, so we're hoping through the summer we're going to get some real sorry, meaningful engagement of the other residents and communities that will help us provide a new strategic framework which we will present to Full Council for endorsement and agreement from next April, and that, of course, is going to be. As we conclude, the new refreshed Corporate Plan. We will also be undertaking our budgeting processes from September October onwards. So hopefully by the time we get to the new financial year will have the new corporate plan and will have to Brexit as agreed
subject to the Council's decision in February.
I'm going a little bit to give you some sense of my my my view about risk of risk of flight in certain areas the labour market is still really tie.
and we still have some teams where it is an ageing workforce, so there are some succession management issues that we're working through and that he may well have picked up through Angelenos report and that the reduction in annual turnover, I think, remains positive and I'm absolutely delighted about the
the responses to the survey about it being a good place to work, and actually we still have a positive net in employee promoter score, even though it has come down slightly as a result of potentially the restructure we've just had it wasn't necessarily a good time to do the survey but nonetheless it still very positive in terms of where we, the culture of the organisation and most recently just this week I joined Richie with our new starters and I think Mayor message I hopefully I left with them is,
yeah communicate with us and engage with us, because if I can have that engagement, and if you communicate with us then we will hopefully make this a really positive work place and work experience for them, and I think that London hopefully,
equally well.
so there's a little bit in the paper about you know, I am also aware that there are some challenges within certain teams where there have been pulled back together for efficiencies and at the ODI team that Andrew the made reference to will be working with those teams and it's been quite interesting from the conversations I've had with senior managers most recently about the value that comes from people coming into the office so one of our US piece has always been the ability for us to work flexibly in an agile way.
and of course, so that places in a really good position to respond very quickly to COVID and it's allowed us to draw on expertise and skills for a broader labour pool beyond East Kent, which again has been really positive.
and I think the the balance that, with with we're seeing now, is it in one or two teams there is real advantage for people come in to the office 1%, potentially two days a week, and so whilst we stopped short of mandating that has to happen, we are exploring just about space requirements, not least because, as Cabinet considered last night
we need to be really clear on our estates strategy going forward in order to feed into the potential of this business case for a potential move to focus too. We have said very clearly that the advantage of having customer access service in the heart of the town centre makes a lot of strategic sense, but there are other teams that don't necessarily need to be in the town centre, but they do still need some space requirements. So there is a piece of work that we will be working on reflecting on over the next few months about, so how does that express itself and what space requirements that does the Council need in different teams and in different places? So I'm very happy to talk more about that in due course as at work as it progresses
a couple of other things in terms of transformation and beyond the staffing shift that we've spoken about, we are wanting to move to woo, modernise our financial system, and that's gonna be a 2 year two year programme very important that we make sure our financial systems are new when you once were introduced.
and the transition to those new systems works effectively, and we still want to keep pushing the work through in terms of our digital journey and one of the things we haven't really grasped yet because we didn't proceed with so many other things, but I haven't we are keeping a quite a and interested watching brief on the use of a I and what that might mean to local authorities and no doubt at the LGA conference later in the autumn that there probably will be quite a lot said about that, so its members are coming with with meeting to that event. That's certainly one thing I think to watch in terms of our digital journey.
and and absolutely delighted you will have seen from the performance report. Annual points reported the last night cabinet that you know, I think we're nearly at 75% of residents with a my accounts now, and we're doing a bit of a deeper dive into the. How is my account being used for that digital journey so that that can again to inform how we make accessing our services or communicating with the council as a streamline and as efficient and effective as possible and convenient for people to do at any time of the day or night? So we would we're looking at that and we want to keep pushing that went forward
paragraph 4.9 comma towards the end now.
is is the highest priority and will be reporting to audit and governance at the end of the month on risk, as we always do to Angie and cybersecurity, is a really really high risk for us, I mean, the amount of attempts we have to penetrate of systems on a re at the relentless basis is quite quite alarming, and so we are tightening up further how we allow staff to use.
Council hardware and preventing council hardware being used to access personal e-mail systems, because there is a vulnerability there, so we've spoken to staff at staff briefing today about that with updated the use, a policy around that and we'll be running through them for the sessions to get that message across. But it's all around really making sure that we protect and the vulnerability of the human, so to speak, doesn't then opens up to at the problem, so that's that's another issue that I think has gone down really
well with staff I didn't, we haven't had any immediate pushback, and I think everyone recognises that it is, it is a concern, so finally, I suppose in incoming to and and an end.
and in January and has beaten me to it in terms of when we wrote these papers and when we got republished dear the full impacts of the at the new government. I, I are yet to be understood clearly with The King's speech yesterday, which have not managed to digest at home in any meaningful way and will be taken into account across the whole. Hosted a whole host of activists as it applies to us. So it's a little early for me to be able to talk to you about the implications arising, but one thing I am hopefully looking forward to, as a multi-year settlements, which I have to say will be a really positive, positive outcome if we do get a multi-year financial settlement for us because it means then, rather than the annual
Lott and budget setting, and you know that our highest cost is our staffing both, so that's why it becomes vulnerable, so to go to that multi-year settlement, I think it will be hugely positive and actually it'd be really reassuring, I think, for members of staff. I think that that I think would go down and be really really welcomed by staff that they don't feel as a result of these annual purchasing cycle and they wait for me at a staff briefing to say well. This is the scale of the issue. We've got this year, so I think that's a really positive and read it before to hopefully hearing some more positive news about that again, possibly at the LGA conference, but as the as we go through the autumn and certainly we can talk to you more about that as we get more information for that members is my update. I we found it interesting and very happy to answer any questions. The Susan I know shortly, all,
Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:52:56
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:52:56
Jose as his number one priority, so hopefully he'll have a smile on his Vice President right, met councillors, Councillor Caine have just Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:53:04
checking, did we not do training with our staff and security? We in Kent we do the GDP but they still started now, and I only realised the other day when someone complete we've got locked out the sending out e-mails likes to get any, never click on links that look really of Michelle and painful, we're picking on them.
and waves lifestyle to do with that, and then, on the basis of that, you go back to training, I've not yet clicked bar, there are staff that have, are we doing a similar things? I think it's important absolutely, and I thank you for flagging re. We know we do a lot of
Dr Susan Priest - 0:53:42
that. So not only do they have the basics of the GDP are et cetera, et cetera, we have a cybersecurity module and we also do the trial e-mails, some of which can from me some of which come from H, are asking them to you know, update will give better and when they click on it then goes through to the actually you need to do some more training, this was a test so we we have done a lot a lot of that and actually it's gone down really well because one particular test or to think about 25
some of the organisation clicked on it because it was so subtly done, I don't know whether it was for me that one of New about HR was at your updating your pay details when we we we were, it was a bit of a nasty, honest, it's, but we've got a lot of people, but it was a point well-made, which is you just these and things to look out for and when you hover over things if it's a really long e-mail or if there's some grammatical issues that you concerned about, you know ask first before you click and the point of information, so we were doing quite a lot on on that.
Ms Andrina Smith - 0:54:54
adequate, sometimes just to add to that, as well as for the party winning, plaudits mandatory. I actually want to be sent out to members as well, some work quite issues, and it will be the issue, we are asking you all to do the same thing and what we do have as well, if you've got closely with additional time, is full-stop reporting to does cook on legal nails, so erection monitoring so you can see what the same horse in written form also our every single time or whether different things up court different people sorry feelings, it's the same people doing it every single time thereby consultant of it we don't enforce mentioned above.
Dr Susan Priest - 0:55:48
I think the bring your own device, which is the approach we didn't really chat, about the security for members and using their own glass. so we can certainly send I note round, provide you with some insurance after the meeting I once we've spoken to are to colleagues, but I do remember Councillor that it it was raised at the time about if there are vulnerability from the Member's so we are can I haven't got the detailed is at the forefront of reminder, I'm very happy to ask Steve weekly to send her a note about
to provide that assurance.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:56:47
to appoint. so actually on that point, because we're that used to happen that we
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:56:52
were supplied briefly on that topic. I mean, this is my own laptop onward Council, it drove me out quite often they'll have forever in all authentic data which die doing nothing, so as you know, I think we security is probably quite good, I'll just going to say on very comprehensive report, thank you very much indeed.
doesn't surprise me about distressing and the fact that some people are.
I am not, I've I've I've talked to a few people this week and just ask them how they are and what they do, I mean that's only a small example, but it actually confirms exactly what you said, secondary pupils are quite happening like that they think they enjoy working here but we could do with some more resource and I think that's what I've heard.
quite a few times, so it does, it does confirm what was right and you know I would have thought quite interesting and staff morale because that makes a difference to the business as well.
and I'm losing the plot a little bit, and I think that reading the through and I had made a note, but I didn't bring them with me but as I might come back in a minute.
any other anyone else have anything away Stuart.
Cllr Connor McConville - 0:58:13
Carl has to from one of my points. actually Arlene you referred to to sort of staff Chair, and I'll just pick it up in the last report, but I was quite surprised that the the overall chairman was low, considering.
yeah, the 50 year so.
and something to take away in terms of the you were talking about the pay pay and benefits as a sort of come down as a as it as a priority and resources drawn up which is obviously makes sense, but it was interesting to see that staff thought that training development would make sorry, I assume additional training and development would make would make your workplace better sort of urgent. I dunno what
what there is in train to sort of to address that, and also it was a bit disappointing to see cross team working would make the place even better. I know there has been a concerted effort over a number years to sort of avoid silo ring and have more cross team interaction, so I don't know if you were say anything about that and where we go to to improve that
Dr Susan Priest - 0:59:27
thank you, yeah. So an intensive training development, I'm I'm going out to all our different teams for clean, to meet the themes and and bring her back or closer engagement about how is it, after transformation, whether this further tweaks that you need to do and also to raise the issue about training and development opportunities. We do a huge amount and offer a huge amount and our training brochure and my reflection, and we will continue to do so, and my my reflection is, I think people have been so focused on getting through transformation and the workload that perhaps training has sort of taken a bit of a back seat, so we're raising the profile of that now make sure that it is still at the forefront of or managers, discussions with individuals and have their one-to-one when you have therefore meeting, so it still remains a priority and Andrew the may want to come in in in the for mer amendments talked about anything else on from training in terms of your other points about Costin communication I spoke with the senior managers today
and operational managers today and rocked, it feels from the survey data that there's regular and good communication within teams, it is that cross team so reflection, I suppose, of this morning with the debate with managers, was that because we are dispersed and because we grab work in all sorts of different places and at different times whilst the team communication may be very good not being in the office together,
hinders that cross team working said I wanted to practical things that I've asked them to take away and think about. So, for example, you know one manager could be asking another manager to come in or they could have joined team meetings. You know they don't need my admission to do that. They are paid and empowered to manage their teams, so by highlighting that it has been flagged as the staff survey results and be encouraging them to do more cross team working as it as it is appropriate. Then hopefully we will start to address that. Another central things
like the summer social that we had yesterday, which was just in the courtyard with the
it's gonna put the ashtray, but it's the.
Silver Birch anyway, the beautiful tree that's a Hollywood, and we just had strawberries and cream, and things like that for those that could make it tomorrow yesterday, for a couple of hours and again those sorts of more informal drop-in? Chit chat and help with some of the costs and communications but there is no avoiding, I think, the fact that are having teams in the office costs team communication is just better it just is,
but equally is a very difficult line for me Members to insist that people come back into the office, either full-time or on X number of days, because my concern is that that will lead people to look to work elsewhere, and so I've got to balance it and this is one of the ongoing discussions that have with an Drina about how do I balance the fact that,
flexibility is really valued, but then equally, having people in the office is also really valued, and how do we get that balances the management team?
will be an ongoing challenge, I think that, Andrew did you want to say anything more about training and the focus, and I don't know if he's was picked as anything about apprenticeships, anything like that from yesterday.
the office.
Dr Susan Priest - 1:03:47
Dr Susan Priest - 1:03:59
it is really interesting when you look at the performance KPIs the there was not a real. in our performance, so in terms of the work getting done in our current really particularly point to anything where we you know disaster or whatever it's really difficult in terms of, as you know, the saying that the performance was completely dropped off so we're gonna have to change things is more about some of the softer, the soft the bits that come from people being in the office and I think particularly for new starters particularly for grants, graduates or return to work.
and that's where they really get the value of form from having, or you know it's joining us from the school or whatever that's where they really get value from that a personal and interface, I'd my understanding is a lot of the District's do not require we've got to go in extra explains a week some of them still have that very flexible approach.
which is which is not there yet sense of what we've got here, and I have to say I am delighted to have some pitched some people from other councils recently.
because that's always good for us, isn't it
so and again I think, is an ongoing reflection that we haven't yet really resolved ourselves, because taking a very hard line might lead to some staff going now, you might take the view well, so be it.
I think I just haven't seen enough data or evidence yet to make we have a very hard line, but I am moving along that journey, absolutely Councillor, I I am really moving along that way because I can see those teams such as Diane planning, but they are into two days a week,
they have their their bedroom pretty well, they've really turning around that, but it had some issues any way and, as Ian said, it had some issues to address.
so will keep it was absolutely put under review.
Dr Susan Priest - 1:06:15
and I see issue meet, I'll CSG meet when they have the meetings and I've not putting up any major issues from the police who are obviously have a lot of contact with about about issues by OpenAI note, so it is a fair point to you know just keep my antennae about it and maybe that's Simpson again Andrew and I'm committees as we mull it over we can think through will what are the indicators WhatsApp advance horizon scanning or sort of flags. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 1:07:21
can I say at the same I don't disagree, but I do think having that flexibility is ward and also good, for I mean it could be an advantage to us compared to I want other Institute. the indicators hasn't dropped considerably at all, there's only one or two areas, I think that I know that to up to scratching, and the reasons on the immortal clearly demonstrates that, Sir.
as of course, young people coming in and you will stock is they do need to have that support to get their own, but I think there was granted on developments. Involvement works really well, I mean as a as a Member, perhaps I couldn't advertise it, I know exactly when their yeah I know wanting to come in and asked the question, even if I can you get the very relevant sometimes I know they come in twice a week and I know that I can come in and then ask a question and it works very well in France and it means that rate the they can do the bulk of our work at home but coming at their team meetings and discuss, obviously with customers
I am cross, but the Council, because there are often when you go in there, are other forms of working in this is actually got quite theses.
and hopefully at the Arab thing is is strengthen in terms of looking at what what what the future holds, I mean it's it's changeover completely hasn't it will be what we discussed on what we thought subtly some years ago.
Emma Andrew Neather about trading, but also we have been just doing a
Dr Susan Priest - 1:09:02
bit, but Mark we're gonna start doing some space planning. we might find that we have to open that began the first floor,
and you know getting good in on a rota system, I think I've put in one of the paragraphs that were exploring that
quite so it would exactly, and I just don't think you know, I'm not I'm not quite ready to discuss with you the proposals, but I just really wanted to flag that these are the initial since thoughts that we were to picking up and what will be mulling over we wanted to
Ms Andrina Smith - 1:09:36
reclaim was just as well I think that's possibly why we're taking our time on on gaining this status together, working out what is the right way forward. as well as compulsions or sale proceeds, will help is around what what dictates what does, such as the culture of the organisation dictate disposed that you need, or there's a reduced space dictate the culture that we are going to have and that's the real balance that we're gonna walk through
and we've got some teams, radiation contained advice and a bit more that's capital P knitting together, I wasn't quite happy being, I am so it is working from the outset that information Michelle others or doing not just local authorities looking at at the private sector as well. Linda sleeping giant update, and they've recently moved towards having to go back and looking forward to those weeks, sorry, and that was more about having a sense of belonging to the Organisation and and being somewhere, as opposed to just being at home, Wokingham round in silence of the like us. They have got some people that work a long way away and having that getting activity talking about coming months or weeks, is it slightly different issues? No
sorry, examples, today rate I'm with someone who is living 50 miles, and I only have commencement once a week or so living in Scotland if on some of you know and and both looked at deemed in that sort of way, so we're gonna woulda until together,
waiting to be exposed to report and subsequent reflects floor and what we need, so it is taking time to to collect and use proposed on Borough chronic return last week, Susan Robinson discussions, as we move forward on that.
and I've got no other Watson said absolutely needed development.
yes, yes, yes, I've got it.
I think there is some some of what we're seeing in the staff survey is actually coming from.
the way that we allocate some local different projects for betraying development, because we're asking managers at the 12 to 18 months in terms of the quality of bubbles, to say what training they're gonna need across the statement well to forecast that in some things even staff changes or legislative changes that come through that can be quite challenging.
and I think that's specifically one placement budget available now that we can get in, there are some training us all and we will keep that under review, so it would be much easier and opportunities
Catherine just and fair in opening up the second floor will cost.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 1:12:07
there will be a cost to that as well as working LDF Mrs were what we would. You know, we need to just reflect on all of that because I Dr Susan Priest - 1:12:16
don't particularly want to incur no unnecessary costs either, so is you know there is quite a lot to it when you start thinking about it really which doesn't to balance balance, put that in a very happy to give further updates as we go, unless we sort will get a bit more clear in our minds about what's the art of the possible law then the business case for so doing.
Cllr Connor McConville - 1:12:40
any other points malicious wrote. I so-called trolling part and a wider circle now
well, no.
for 4 4.7, I guess just in our transformation activities.
we spoke about just probably just to to get a sense of.
is what we've got is what we've allocated in terms of resource to undertake that to completion.
no still no within sufficient and you know you do you have a rough idea of when that when that piece of work will be will be completed in terms of
the IT systems in any any redundancies, because obviously there will still be being paid out what they say in terms of final completion.
Dr Susan Priest - 1:13:35
Yeah, thank you, and I was very grateful to Members and making available in in the year. The Transformation Fund shall I was drawn from reserves and I was very grateful for that. The that allowed us to make the changes within the year the and feelings referred to, and I will just underline actually, that under 12 months payback period is, it is really good for the structure I mean when I have done restrictions elsewhere on a smaller scale and much larger scale. That is really really good to get going, however, and what we are now doing is on that
that the financial demand for that, which are outlined at Andrew outlined, we have a legitimate call on things like the the IT system updates or the financial system updates because they are transforming how we work. So it is a legitimate call on that. So there are some other bits and bobs I in terms of answering your question Councillor, I think that we really need to have a
an indication of that, and how much of the ticket was 1.5 million Fund as we go into the Budget, frankly, so we'll be able to say whether some of those funds could be released back to purpose or actually this is how we intend to use it, so we can certainly do that. I haven't done it yet, but it is on the to do list certainly to factor into the autumn budget Pachauri preparation and sought written down
Cllr Connor McConville - 1:15:01
thanks Mark, I think the last point was was for point 10. you say the final significant issue to flag is is the balance of senior level resource, but not really go into why it's an issue, so I mean you know, in hindsight, the decision to there was made to move to to those just the 2 0 serving in your mind is is is that working well is that something that will have to be reviewed again or,
Dr Susan Priest - 1:15:32
re Eagle, I'd have to say the absolutely yes. I think my reflection is that, with very good reason, very good reason. When the previous third director resigned, we took the opportunity because of our financial situation in having a 4.5 budget, then CFSS gap. We absolutely took the decision and eat, sorry, you took the decision, based on my recommendation, to go to a to direct the structure and to have an interim part time 1 5 1 and at that I think, was the right decision at the right time and the transition to the two Directors had been, I believe, fairly seamless and actually with that they were really really well together and the skill set that we have available to the Council in the part time. Interim 1 5 1 of Strategic Finance and property skills is absolutely right for the Council and I am in no doubt whatsoever that the the the achievements we had in financial terms last year and the clarity in the
with transparency of the.
and PCP MCFs ESF and the in-year savings was was largely helped by having that additional capacity and Dexter's expert expertise.
the issue we've got there were always as a council is.
you have an ambitious Corporate Plan,
and we have a whopping great big new town that we are time to develop out for you, so that in itself is a big big agenda, so my senses as we move through this year, I probably will need to have another conversation with your about at how are we let the balance of resource, what does that look like have we got it quite right and again my apologies I'm just not in that space at the moment to have a clear recommendation to discuss with you.
but I think the access to the skills have gotten right and I can't see an end and any date for when I won't need the skills of the interim 1 5 1 director at the moment because we are still in a huge amount of work relevant swashbuckle that would like to get a multi-year settlement then have another iteration of our budget setting etc so that's probably a very long-winded way of saying I think it's watch this space in it and I'd be very grateful for a further conversation over the next probably up of within probably the next six-month 44 depending on probably get to.
Cllr Connor McConville - 1:18:21
of that we are in this comedy doesn't have many timetable to meetings, you know there was set at the MBA GMC yeah, I would imagine they'll be, they'll be submit, there'll be some some additional personnel committee meetings between now and the now in March, so right. No other members have anything to add on the the report further page service, again we just receive, and I are we happy to receive and note the report greed greed okay and that's the end of our business would today have a lovely afternoon.