Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity - Wednesday 17 July 2024, 4:30pm - Folkestone & Hythe webcasting

Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity
Wednesday, 17th July 2024 at 4:30pm 










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  1. Cllr Jim Martin
  2. Ms Jemma West
  3. Cllr Jim Martin
  4. Mr Andy Blaszkowicz
  5. Cllr Jim Martin
  6. Cllr Tim Prater
  7. Mr Andy Blaszkowicz
  8. Cllr Jim Martin
  9. Cllr Jeremy Speakman
  10. Mr Andy Blaszkowicz
  11. Cllr Jim Martin
  12. Cllr Mike Blakemore
  13. Mr Andy Blaszkowicz
  14. Cllr Mike Blakemore
  15. Cllr Jim Martin
  16. Cllr Jim Martin
  17. Cllr Tim Prater
  18. Webcast Finished

Cllr Jim Martin - 0:00:03
and good afternoon, everyone welcome to the meeting of the Folkestone parks and pleasure grounds Cheriton, this meeting will be webcast live to the internet, for those who do not wish to be recorded or filmed. You'll need to lead China for members officers and other speaking at the meeting. It is important that the microphone to use so viewers on the webcast and others in the room I hear you would anyone with a mobile phone so he switched to silent as they can be distracting. Thank you
so will kick off if that's OK with the first item apologies for
Ms Jemma West - 0:00:50
absence Gemma, thank you, leader, we'd had apologies from Councillor Fuller Holgate and she.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:00:58
thank you very much, are there any declarations of interest?
I don't see any declarations of interest, thank you very much, so we'll move on to the minutes, these are the minutes of the meeting held on the 26th of March 2024, are there any amendments or things to draw to our attention regarding the minutes?
are we happy that I saw in these minutes as a true record?
yeah agreed, thank you,
moving on then to the substantive item, item 4, focused in parks and pleasure grounds, update report.
and whose can lead a service and over to you
Mr Andy Blaszkowicz - 0:01:50
factor remembers the report provides the charity Board of Trustees with an update in relation to all those decisions taken by the Chief Officer, Corporate Estate development, since January 2024, under his delegated authority to deal with charity assets, the report detailing various transactions across the sites in charities ownership to include lower Leas coastal Park,
we have the lowest lower sorry, the first one, Leas Lift community interest organisation, are looking to site container in the part of what a temporary chafe facility Councillor have been working with go, spokesman has relocated the foundation stone from the former Victoria appear in the park. NYPL report provides an update on the leases of 115 beach huts on Marine Parade. Basically from the Warren, the new lease at Little Switzerland campsite camping caravanning club terminated their lease at the Warren campsite the Council looking to reinstall the access gate across the Warren access Road to prevent vehicular access following ground instability issues, Canterbury archaeological trust, Lisa was small hot warfare undertaking the current archaeological dig and discussions with creative closely over the use of the Martello tower next triennial within Grosvenor Park East Kent College at now vacated the lodging paid up the dilapidation space
repairs will now commencing the café will be re-let,
and sadly inactive, vandalism occurred in the part which resulted in the loss of St aims which, had we are currently in discussion with the original sculptor, to have this replaced and the statue returned to her former glory other matters more positively on the changing places, toilets that the coastal park and Radnor Park have now been installed and our open for use and lastly officers are in discussion with First and Rescue regarding a deckchair licence to allow them to raise much-needed funds for a new rescue boat happy to take any questions.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:03:41
A1, any questions and queries and Councillor price.
Cllr Tim Prater - 0:03:49
thank you first thing to say is thank you, Andy, there's a lot there and a lot of good things happening, I think, support work that we're doing around the levels left.
that's going to be really important for him over the course of the next 18 months.
so they can make that happen and actually looked at the foundation stone yet, but apart from photographs, but I'm told it's lovely.
the beach huts on RE will again the termination of a filariasis, the good to see the waiting lists come down to just over 620 by the time that their Godfrey, so that's good.
it's certainly true that, as fewer both beach huts us own bit of sign of the weapons staff, and there's a bit of I will look at a work to do in terms of making the doors of the illuminating and things like that and some pay paperwork, et cetera Garrett I'm pretty confident that there were some maintenance budget there in terms of making sure that they continue to look as good as I used to and our if I'm sure that that could be picked up and that would be great.
I imagine that in terms of the Warren campsite et cetera, we're not expecting any likely change in that position, camping caravan about empty going back, not going to be revisiting that this discussion until they are confident on whether the land is going to continue to move, and I imagine that they're not gonna be confident about in any time soon.
be interested to know if you've got any more views around the moral and land needed Comber, I am fully understand that it's mainly Network Rail's issue, amend network Wells work, but I don't know if you've got any updates in terms of what's actually happening and also,
thank you for allowing the architectural, adding the dig to take place,
by way of a rope.
thank you, Deputy fascinating, to see the upper your recent appointment will know as well, sorry, I think, a few questions that one final point on the missing siblings with had I saw the other day there was.
there were reports of another Tracey Emin, Wilbur, Tracey Emin pieces which had been left on time had seemed to be removed as well.
but MP blinked as an act of vandalism to be beheaded,
as I understand it, that piece has actually been moved by us and tenant was being moved intentionally, has been removed, and you're going to be reinstated somewhere else, and it's not actually the Finance and parks and gardens charity that owns that, but can you can we just confirm whether it has not been stolen, it's just is being held in being moved, as I understand it will be helpful to confirm that thank you.
on the last point I don't know, but I will look into it is probably a
Mr Andy Blaszkowicz - 0:06:31
creative person's property on which might be cycle our land falling into that with regards to the land at the Warren, I don't horrified at the moment Network Rail and carrying out ground investigation which will form the scope for,
stabilisation works, we don't know what our scope is, the point we are involved in their meetings, the engineering team attend consultation meetings with them to find out what's going on, but with all these, as with all these matches, it will be a slow process are imagine and involve big money.
yes, I'll look into that.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:07:12
I A Councillor Smith yeah, just on the
Cllr Jeremy Speakman - 0:07:15
Bradford Park Lodge any rehydrate timescales and has been out of actual quite a wide margin.
yeah, it's been out of action for wildlife, and we will have to deal
Mr Andy Blaszkowicz - 0:07:25
with the matters of actually terminating the lease and getting a dilapidated agreement to the application for the pilots. Works will now commence. How do they shouldn't take too long and I would like to think someone will be unit at some point throughout the summer. There is interest in it. I think they've got any advice to say that we're gonna be appetising it, and I would prefer to get a further update on to ensure
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:07:48
OK, I'll I've just got a couple of questions on the on the on the Warren campsite there, there is still open for sort of things, coffee, sandwiches that sort of thing are, they are they.
they're not promoting himself.
I'm different campsite Ryan, sorry that.
don't need to ask the question in, yet I was in order.
worrying, thank you.
and yeah, the
just to sign that the
the the corner, the gratitude that the
the foundation stone arrangements sooner produced as the go focus and works really really hard to get that down and get it really great to get it, and I woke O'Connor stuck and and we unlocked it for them as a little bit of a little bit of money little bit but but but I think that Kanye typifies how kind of working with voluntary groups we can be, you know we can produce great results, I mean to say they are delighted about that is an understatement,
they're really really pleased that it and it looks great at the site they did it, they didn't put it in a place where all wanted it, but I actually think replace the days is probably better than the price of one so sites are now starting very, very, very well done on that and very well done to him on that
I Councillor Blyton yeah, just a quick question that the warrant campsite Road.
Cllr Mike Blakemore - 0:09:25
reinstall it Gate is that after the Martello tower, but it will swap the road there.
where it is or isn't much further down.
there wasn't aware there was a great year before.
Mr Andy Blaszkowicz - 0:09:46
I think it's rather than looking just to have access to lawyers as the road drops down, it goes up part, I think, is passed the parking area where it goes to drop down again awarded for the parking area that is basically the only people to really have right of access said Paul wasn't codify or that's where there's no it has broken quite badly and drops wiped out so that vehicles have been grounding out on it and obviously we don't want an awful advice as to the campsite either, because all the issues and we have the questions were cyclists could
Cllr Mike Blakemore - 0:10:15
be able to get down the LA all the way people think locked of our consulate this to access them.
I will have to get back to you or not.
preserve the other issues that might batsmen's number, which is always going to hospital perennial problem with multiple parts, but I think they will do something, but for some strange reason I don't think you are allowed to cycle along the opening for lots of people do.
that some people to cycle down there and you are you concerned, it would be nice if they receive health neatly.
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:10:45
Good, OK, any further questions or queries good, so I think our job is to is just to note the report, and so if I could have a proposer.
older proposed sorry Councillor Pryke, prior to proposed and
Cllr Tim Prater - 0:11:06
Cllr Jim Martin - 0:11:06
Councillor blank wall to second all those in favour, please indicate.
carried unanimously, thank you very much, everyone, I think that's the end of their business for the time being to in 15 minutes.