Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday 8 October 2024, 7:00pm - Folkestone & Hythe webcasting

Planning and Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 8th October 2024 at 7:00pm 










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  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. Cllr Jackie Meade
  3. Cllr Belinda Walker
  4. Mr Alex Baker
  5. Cllr Jackie Meade
  6. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. Cllr Belinda Walker
  3. Cllr Jackie Meade
  4. Cllr Clive Goddard
  5. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  2. Cllr Jackie Meade
  3. Microphone Forty
  4. Cllr Jackie Meade
  5. Microphone Forty
  6. Cllr Jackie Meade
  7. Cllr Jackie Meade
  8. Microphone Forty
  9. Cllr Jackie Meade
  10. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  11. Cllr Jackie Meade
  12. Llywelyn Lloyd
  13. Cllr Jackie Meade
  14. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  15. Cllr Jackie Meade
  16. Cllr James Butcher
  17. Cllr Jackie Meade
  18. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  19. Cllr Jackie Meade
  20. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  21. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  22. Cllr Jackie Meade
  23. Cllr Paul Thomas
  24. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  25. Cllr Paul Thomas
  26. Llywelyn Lloyd
  27. Cllr Paul Thomas
  28. Llywelyn Lloyd
  29. Cllr Jackie Meade
  30. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  31. Llywelyn Lloyd
  32. Cllr Gary Fuller
  33. Llywelyn Lloyd
  34. Cllr Gary Fuller
  35. Llywelyn Lloyd
  36. Cllr Jackie Meade
  37. Cllr Nicola Keen
  38. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  39. Llywelyn Lloyd
  40. Cllr Jackie Meade
  41. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  42. Cllr Jackie Meade
  43. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  44. Cllr Jackie Meade
  45. Cllr Gary Fuller
  46. Llywelyn Lloyd
  47. Cllr Jackie Meade
  48. Cllr James Butcher
  49. Cllr Tony Cooper
  50. Llywelyn Lloyd
  51. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  52. Cllr Jackie Meade
  53. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  54. Cllr Jackie Meade
  55. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  56. Cllr Jackie Meade
  57. Cllr Jackie Meade
  58. Cllr Jackie Meade
  59. Cllr Jackie Meade
  60. Cllr Jackie Meade
  61. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  2. Cllr Jackie Meade
  3. Microphone Forty
  4. Cllr Jackie Meade
  5. Microphone Forty
  6. Cllr Jackie Meade
  7. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  8. Cllr Paul Thomas
  9. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  10. Cllr Jackie Meade
  11. Cllr James Butcher
  12. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  13. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  14. Cllr James Butcher
  15. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  16. Llywelyn Lloyd
  17. Cllr Jackie Meade
  18. Cllr Gary Fuller
  19. Cllr Jackie Meade
  20. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. David Campbell
  3. Cllr Jackie Meade
  4. Cllr Clive Goddard
  5. Cllr Jackie Meade
  6. Microphone Forty
  7. Cllr Jackie Meade
  8. Cllr Jackie Meade
  9. Cllr Clive Goddard
  10. Cllr Paul Thomas
  11. Cllr Jackie Meade
  12. Cllr James Butcher
  13. David Campbell
  14. Llywelyn Lloyd
  15. Cllr Jackie Meade
  16. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. Mr Robert Allan
  3. Cllr Jackie Meade
  4. Cllr Jackie Meade
  5. Cllr Belinda Walker
  6. Cllr Jackie Meade
  7. Mr Robert Allan
  8. Cllr Jackie Meade
  9. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  10. Cllr Jackie Meade
  11. Cllr Paul Thomas
  12. Llywelyn Lloyd
  13. Mr Robert Allan
  14. Cllr Paul Thomas
  15. Mr Robert Allan
  16. Cllr Paul Thomas
  17. Cllr Jackie Meade
  18. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  19. Cllr Jackie Meade
  20. Cllr Jackie Meade
  21. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. Cllr Jackie Meade
  3. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  4. Cllr Jackie Meade
  5. Cllr Paul Thomas
  6. Cllr Jackie Meade
  7. Cllr Mike Blakemore
  8. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  9. Cllr Mike Blakemore
  10. Llywelyn Lloyd
  11. Cllr Gary Fuller
  12. Llywelyn Lloyd
  13. Cllr Jackie Meade
  14. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  15. Llywelyn Lloyd
  16. Cllr Jackie Meade
  17. Cllr Jackie Meade
  18. Folkestone & Hythe Officer
  19. Cllr Jackie Meade
  20. Microphone Forty
  21. Cllr Jackie Meade
  22. Microphone Forty
  23. Microphone Forty
  24. Cllr Jackie Meade
  25. Microphone Forty
  26. Cllr Jackie Meade
  27. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  28. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  29. Cllr Jackie Meade
  30. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  31. Cllr Jackie Meade
  32. Llywelyn Lloyd
  33. Cllr Jackie Meade
  34. Cllr Gary Fuller
  35. Cllr Paul Thomas
  36. Cllr Jackie Meade
  37. Cllr Tony Cooper
  38. Cllr James Butcher
  39. Llywelyn Lloyd
  40. Cllr James Butcher
  41. Cllr Jackie Meade
  42. Cllr Jackie Meade
  43. Mr Alex Baker
  44. Cllr Jackie Meade
  45. Cllr Jackie Meade
  46. Mr Alex Baker
  47. Cllr Jackie Meade
  48. David Campbell
  49. Cllr Jackie Meade
  50. Microphone Forty
  51. Cllr Jackie Meade
  52. Microphone Forty
  53. Microphone Forty
  54. Cllr Jackie Meade
  55. Cllr Paul Thomas
  56. Cllr Jackie Meade
  57. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  58. Cllr Clive Goddard
  59. Cllr Jackie Meade
  60. Cllr Jackie Meade
  61. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  62. Cllr Clive Goddard
  63. David Campbell
  64. Cllr Clive Goddard
  65. David Campbell
  66. Cllr Jackie Meade
  67. Cllr Tony Cooper
  68. Llywelyn Lloyd
  69. Cllr Tony Cooper
  70. Llywelyn Lloyd
  71. Cllr Tony Cooper
  72. Cllr Jackie Meade
  73. Cllr Jackie Meade
  74. Cllr James Butcher
  75. Llywelyn Lloyd
  76. Cllr James Butcher
  77. Cllr Jackie Meade
  78. Cllr Jackie Meade
  79. Cllr Jackie Meade
  80. Cllr Jackie Meade
  81. Cllr Jackie Meade
  82. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  83. Cllr Jackie Meade
  84. Llywelyn Lloyd
  85. Cllr Jackie Meade
  86. Cllr Jackie Meade
  87. Cllr Jackie Meade
  88. Mr Alex Baker
  89. Cllr Jackie Meade
  90. Webcast Finished
Slide selection

Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:00:00
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:00:02
meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee. This evening we will be webcast live to the
internet. For those who do not wish to be recorded or filmed you will need to leave
the chamber. For members, officers and all members of the meeting it is important that
the microphones are used so that viewers on the webcast and others in the room may hear
you. With anyone with a mobile phone please switch it to silent, it can be very distracting.
I would like to remind members that although we all have strong opinions and matters under
consideration it is important to treat members, officers and public speakers with respect.
So members, as chair of this committee I would like to make a statement for the benefit of
your help during this meeting and for members of the public.
We have many questions before you tonight and indeed any applications you consider in
the future must be considered on planning merits only.
It is essential that members adhere to this principle and ensure that their decisions
tonight are based on the papers before you and any information that they can give to
you during this meeting.
This is not the forum to discuss any ancillary issues relating to the planning applications
before you.
I will move on. One thing I would like to say this evening's committee is that we have
a very vital agenda this evening. So if we can keep corrections and debate succinct I
would really appreciate it. Thank you. So do we have any declarations of interest tonight
Cllr Belinda Walker - 0:01:41
Mr Alex Baker - 0:01:44
Thank you chair. We have received apologies from Councillor Jones, Councillor Butch is
here as her substitute.
Thank you, welcome Councillor Butcher.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:01:52
Do we have any decorations of interest this evening?
Councillor Honesby.
Yes, thank you Chair.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:01:57
Just to say there are three applications

2 Declarations of Interest

with this ward, which is obviously my ward.
Do you need me to say land to the south of Ashford Road,
land adjoining Fencing Yard, Potman Farm,
and the former village hall, Stone Street, Stamford.
That will be noted, Councillor Honesby.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:02:20
Cllr Belinda Walker - 0:02:23
Yes, I'm a resident of Earls Avenue so I live near to Ward's Hotel and the other
residences and just for noting I'm a Ward Councillor on the Town Council for that ward.
Thank you. Councillor Goddard.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:02:32
Cllr Clive Goddard - 0:02:36
Thank you very much Chair. Two in my ward, Eastview, the lovely Dungeness and Fairview
Ward. Thank you.

3 Minutes

Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:02:47
Thank you very much councillors. So we have before you the minutes to be a record of the
10th of September 2024. May I sign them as a record? Thank you very
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:03:05
much. So we will
move on to our first application this evening which is 20 .0604 South FH which is the land

4 20/0604/FH - Land to the South of Ashford Road, Sellindge

to the south of Ashford Road in Sallie. Can you have any thanks
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:03:25
please? Thank you very
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:03:29
much. Three speakers on this this evening. Speakers when you come forward you will have
three minutes to make your speech. At the end of three minutes I will give you the warning
and wrap up your last thing. Mr Geoff Lovelow who is a local resident to
Microphone Forty - 0:03:56
speak. Good evening sir. Good evening chair. Good evening Councillor. I'm actually down
to speak twice on both applications under CSD 9 so I'm going to spare you just by speaking
once and not for six minutes, just three.
So my name is Richard and I'm here representing FID.
Please note the planning applications goes out of your way to take a look.
But the planning applications are very salient into this development with over 100 meters
of boundary and whilst all the other existing properties within CSD 9 are well catered for
with boundary layers over 10 metres, Fieldhead is proposed to be a new boundary layer whatsoever
and instead is proposed to be surrounded and over the course of the highest density housing
all built on a bank 10 foot higher than a
20 meter bank, with a height of just 20 meters.
This means that a dozen or so buildings
will be built straight down onto Fieldhead
and as such will inflict severe loss
to both ambience and value.
And Fieldhead will most easily be part
of an eclectic business.
A face to face approach to building
measures is planning guidance intended for new
not for high -density buildings on a bank overlooking a 70 year old resident
capacity elsewhere in the scheme
a equitable solution can easily be achieved without either impediments to field head or
financial loss to the applicants if they was
with each other
So it begs the question as to why the application.
Please can you ask the applicant,
for the allocation of some of the proposed public space area.
In doing so I suggest it should have an actual
loss to either applicant.
I invite and urge all members to see how unfair and unnecessary this scheme uniquely proposes
upon Fieldhead are.
This scheme will go ahead in some form but the purpose of my presentation to you is that
the proposed application of reasonable screening will realistically make Fieldhead untenable
as a family home.
There are other boundary layers in the application I have seen in years deep and I ask you to
please put in some instructions on the field head, a directive which should be cost neutral
and not be protected.
If field head is not adequately protected by you, and is not protected by the CSD 9,
It will no longer be best use of its land due to its size design and the rising topography
And as such it will inevitably be demolished for infill
This is yours. Thank you
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:07:20
As time thank you very much
The applicant speak is Councillor David on behalf of selling
Good evening, sir.
Microphone Forty - 0:07:39
Good evening.
I apologize for the short time I'm putting in
for the column, unfortunately not well,
and the rest of the parish council,
can't be here, so I'll try to be brief.
I appreciate that there are two applications
that I will be speaking on both,
and I'll try to expedite that.
and if it makes life any easier,
one of the things we would say is we concur
with what he says, so we'll shorten this.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the Council and residents of Salish
have a very important issue
with their main concern, which is traffic.
The challenge is built on the A20
and the A20 is a very big hit
and most of this key infrastructure,
the schools, the public,
and the village hall is built along the A20, which sadly is a relief
which is the gateway for Europe. I'm sure we are all aware of what happens
on the stack or any incidents on the motorway, especially in October,
KGC is significantly concerned with a new ID that's coming in, which will probably
All of this has congestion to this village and this area.
Also recently we've had a significant impact on Taylor Wimpie and Grove Park.
250 ,000 people have been in Taylor Wimpie and Grove Park
which is currently being constructed as we speak now.
All these impacts on the village traffic,
and all hasn't actually been built.
I have to say this application started in 2000
and we don't believe that the full impact of this
has been bared in weight in this application.
We object to this planning application.
The application submitted two planning applications
in which the planning application,
which we are hearing now, cannot be
and fully approved which also requires an application of the environmental agency
line of approval for a wastewater treatment plant to be completed and functional before
any development takes place including this one.
There is a third piece of land, which is a part of the core strategy that falls upon
this land that has been highlighted which is well put on, adjacent to both planning
applications which has an impact on both submissions planned today.
There is a specific criteria for the Council's strategy of the local plan to see if the DDS
The criteria is quite clear both past and present
must be master planned and included in a single outline planning permission.
Sorry sir you have three minutes.
Would you like to finish your last sentence?
We ask you to follow your policy for this development
length which will allow due diligence of stakeholders to make a full informed decision.
Thank you very much Sir.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:11:05
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:11:08
Our last speaker on this is John McTighey from Gladman, who is the applicant to speak
in support of the application.
Good evening Sir.
Microphone Forty - 0:11:22
Thank you Chair, thank you members.
This is the first of two linked applications before you that are located within the CELINCH
policy. This particular application was submitted over four years ago. The application has been
subject to rigorous scrutiny. We have now reached a position where all contributions
are related to the proposal and the considered opinion of your offices is that the position
should be considered. The recommendation is consistent with the planning status of the
housing led development in the core strategy review.
The principle of development is therefore fully in accordance with the statute of development.
The proposal provides a framework which is well connected to the existing settlement
accessible by walking.
The scheme accords with a master plan that has been prepared for the site at the wide
abroad location.
This has been drawn up in consultation with our officers and has been
Consultation it demonstrates how the proposed number of killings could be successfully accommodated
Developments of extensive areas of green
Permission is sought for the means of access from Ashford
And the wide abroad location and just briefly in response to the names raised by mr
Ludlow. The impact of the proposal on residential
and residential development is limited by your officers.
The proposal is limited by the relationship between the new dwellings and field head house
and the new dwelling, all of which can be finalised by your officers.
The officer report assesses the proposal against the criteria in Policy CSD 9. It demonstrates
the proposal is well designed and has a more acceptable landscape impact. It can achieve
The net gain through the wider development package protects heritage assets, is acceptable
in terms of risk, can be accommodated without an acceptable impact on the infrastructure
including schools and healthcare, importantly, is in neutrality through the wider development
The report concludes that the development plan is in accordance with the policy CSD
9 and is in accordance with the development plan.
and national policy, permission should therefore be granted.
The report makes clear that all technical issues have been addressed and there are no
unacceptable harms to the business.
There are however substantial benefits including an additional housing, diversity in the supply,
20 % affordable housing and 10 % affordable housing.
These are designed to meet the needs of an ageing population, helping to address and
acknowledge local need.
Economic benefits are also provided.
accessible open space and net biodiversity gains. The proposal also delivers an access
in infrastructure to support the delivery of the
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:14:31
Thank you.
Ms Bruceley.
Yes, thank you Chair.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:14:41
Can I first of all say that I've been working with Mr Laidlow from Fieldhead.
I've actually visited the site, I've had a good experience and certainly the land is
very well and there would certainly be overlooking.
I've had a good experience and I understand that this can be sorted out in a very short
because as I understand it, this is an outlying application.
The other two are left for a later stage.
So that's one of my issues.
I don't know which, I think it's Councillor Haynes
who talked about the wastewater treatment.
That is a very expensive piece of equipment
and I know that from the Otterpool Park proposed development
because it has to be done as one.
It makes me wonder whether this,
I know that's not our problem at this stage,
but what does concern me is starting
because a wastewater treatment has not been completed
and into a...
You have probably three sites, two sites
we're currently talking about.
I'm sorry I had to talk about both
because they're both very similar.
And also in my view, it should have been one application.
I find it quite interesting to actually look at it.
There's two separate applications
that you do not tie up properly.
I'm a member of the
KCC and I know that according to KCC there are two access
I've had conversations with the agent or the
and the
Council on the access and I think it's really important that that is dealt with
but again I understand that's probably under resolution
so it's something perhaps we can't actually decide but I do think there are
informatives that we possibly can use the application if it were agreed
about fieldway and about the access. I was also, I also just want confirmation
Both of these applications do not attract sill.
I think it's one of the reasons.
To see that the health, the two applications
only come to about 130 ,000,
which seems pretty poultry in there.
Towards the medical facilities in the village.
I mean I'm very much in the middle of the conversation.
It does seem a bit of a problem, but it's what the NHS have asked for.
So I think that's a bit more difficult.
But there is another point on the 106.
There is no need for a new village hall.
I don't think there's a need for a new village hall but I do think some contribution towards the upkeep and the improvement of the village hall
has to be sensible. I know that the village hall roof is not suited for solar panels for instance and I therefore think that
some contribution should be made towards the village hall for that particular exercise because it would be a good
That's some of my comments.
I'll just go back to the course now
and hear what my colleagues say.
The other thing I might just mention in terms of
we know it's in the core strategy,
we know there's already some kind of development there,
and I think that's been accepted
because it's been going on for so long.
Today for instance we've had causes.
So another thing we'll be putting our land forward,
probably in the cellage because cellage is the place
to think that development should take place.
We do need to think, and I know it's difficult,
the cumulative, Councillor Haynie was talking about
the traffic, I mean I know too full,
for what we do.
It's very difficult to argue against Kent Highways
saying that the situation is satisfactory.
So I will leave it there, but I'd like to say.
Thank you, Councillor.
Would the officer like to come back on any of that?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:19:57
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:19:59
Thank you, Chair.
Good evening.
I'll deal with some clarifications around CIL,
which I think Councillor Hollingsby raised,
is because it's an allocated site,
one of the key allocations within the development plan,
for 2013 as part of the Selinch rural strategy
in master planning.
This site was excluded from the core strategy for SIL.
So yes, it's a community strategy.
In that case, the health contributions have been requested.
have demonstrated why they need that level of contribution, so we are seeking to secure
that and the applicant is currently happy to make that contribution.
Turning to the Village Hall, we've had no requests for Section 106 contribution, that's
and any request for Section 106 have to be demonstrated as to mitigating the impact on
the Village Hall. However, that does not preclude some of the districts using SILL monies from
other developments to work on the development of the selling of Village Hall in due course.
However tonight there have been no requests for such a request.
If there were no requests for Village Hall any such requests would need to be justified
against the implementation of the application.
Just turning to the application's objectives, I think I'll just reiterate that apart from
the direct access that's currently within the application, the second access is fully
The layout of the application is very important.
There is no determination yet to exactly where houses would be sitting,
exactly how high any of those houses might be and where the landscaping might be,
and the application boundaries.
In that regard, the concerns raised by the neighbours, which have been identified,
are not necessarily determined by this authority in due course,
and neither by the schedule of the houses, and would be subject to full public consultation.
Finally, I think, not the master plan, the application,
we assure you, requires that any application is accompanied by a master plan.
A portion or other portions might sit within a master plan
to show that nothing is precluded.
The applicant, both applications, although we're slightly blurred in the boundaries between the two,
have been submitted with the master plan, which also looks like a master plan.
It's not part of any application currently.
could come forward together and work together.
In that regard, the second accords
with the requirements and policy
to be accompanied by a master plan
is to ensure that the application
must come forward as a singularity
and that we are talking to each other as important.
And I believe the case of the section 106
within the proposals for the section 106,
connections to neighboring sites to be secure
make sure that they're not landlocked in the future.
Hopefully that clarifies the matter.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:23:01
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:23:03
If I can just reiterate,
planning officers said that in the section 106
there is an obligation to make sure
that the connection from the next site
goes through the region.
application and we have an applicant then submitting one application instead of two
and we would like to do it in that way but we are unsuccessful with the applicant application
in the absence of it being one application. As Joanna has said, the policy requires it
to be master planned so that the three sites work and speak to each other and that's what
we've done with the master plans for both of the sites that are joining sites.
Thank you very much.
Councillor Butcher.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:23:55
Cllr James Butcher - 0:24:02
I was just interested in the discussion about transport and links between the sites and
It mentions cycle and pedestrian access to the site.
talks about pedestrian cycling.
The report then goes on to say,
you've got the same
character of the area and I guess it seems strange to say
a character of the A20 would be negatively impacted by
cycle and pedestrian
And I don't know what the point of the policy is saying
this is what we need to have.
the best we go. No in fact it doesn't need to have those features and I think what we
are talking about future generations, the community, is that really what they would
want not to have those kind of links around the community feasible and connect the different
parts of the community one to another, connect residential, to a much more mature busy road.
Are we really saying we're going to expect
to go down to the co -op to go to the British Wall to go to the doctors because we're not going to
Make it because in some it's for the character character the area doesn't mean sense
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:25:23
It's obviously a balancing exercise
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:25:29
Right and cycle way footway so behind
and the grass verge close to the tree,
that that pulley would, on balance,
would be gentle to,
if members take a different view,
then we can obviously go back and,
after that, after committee,
and put that back to them.
The members asked for improvements to footpaths
to the north of the A2 and that goes some way to meeting the requirements.
Thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:26:15
Councillor Polyboke.
Yeah, they're picking up on the requirements of CSD.
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 0:26:23
Jenny Honingsby has already talked about the village hall.
There are some other requirements there.
It should not commence until and one of them is the primary school
Another one is new nursery facilities
Now I understand this is full spaces are not deemed to be necessary
No longer to be needed because the part
And the primary school extension itself
So, we've got up and running, I think,
the buildings have been secured.
So, as things seem to have shifted a bit,
I think it will talk us through that
and maybe supply a bit of clarity.
Sorry, the commercial floor space
is a bit of a twin development.
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:27:18
Given the, obviously not built,
but the planning commission,
a commercial floor space that would be
going ahead at Otterpool. It wasn't considered necessary to be on this particular site.
The new nursery, there was no commercial need identified that came through the application.
The contributions towards the land for the extension of the land for the
secondary solutions that we would usually
see in the committee.
So those are covered by the section 106.
Councillor Thomas.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:28:11
Thank you Chair.
Just looking at the summary,
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:28:16
the description of this application says
all matters reserved except for access.
In 3 .1 it says with all matters reserved
for future consideration including access.
Which one is it?
Is it all something that we could agree
part of the access?
I know it specifically exclusive
that the process of priming
is more of a clarification of that please.
Councillors if I can turn you to
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:28:50
there is a correction to the report
to say that detail
to the site with internal access to reserve future determination
but all other matters are reserved, so let landscape play out.
There's another one that I can't remember.
This is a future consideration, apart from main access into the city.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:29:20
So tonight, we're part of what we're being asked to do.
We're talking about something else and bearing in mind
what Llewellyn's already said about the 10b,
all that will be available at reserve matters,
but for the agreement,
the primary access will be off the A20.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:29:43
That is correct for this application,
the primary, we're not approving all of the access,
because access includes all the roads within the site,
so it's including the bellmouth off the access road
have been assessed by the County Council
and found to be acceptable.
The other application is up completely separate from the other application.
Everything when it comes back as a reserve matters application
will be with everything within the boundary
bar the bellmouth of the application.
I appreciate that.
Again, I think it's confusing for us
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:30:18
to see the applications that are linked with this wastewater
facility which must be in operation before
the A20 is completed.
Either side will be able to commence.
So I think we're agreeing this design,
this site in principle and the
access of the A20 is and that's what
we're looking for. Thank you.
Just to firm up, sorry.
Yes, you're agreeing the principle
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:30:48
and the amount of the A20 numbers
I think the issue of it being two sites
is a bit of a slight misnomer.
One application site, it would be covered by
and it would still be bits that couldn't be built
before section 106 linkages between the two.
No different to a large scale application.
They have been considered together
but they can be independently
subject to one is reliant on the other.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:31:27
Councillor Blaketon.
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 0:31:38
Blick comments, there was one about trees
have been cut down, I just wondered if officers
have any truth in that.
And the other question I wanted to ask was
I was also shared his opinion that the applicant looks at providing internal support for the
application instead of the employer but I worry that asking them to consider it basically
means it won't happen.
But presumably we can't require that because that would be considered an additional route,
is that right?
I just wonder whether we can lengthen that in some way so that we either look at the
A20 again.
and the cost will provide those cyclists
without damaging the character of this road.
An alternative cycle group provision.
Thank you.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:32:30
Thank you, I'll try and.
There are some TPOs on the site.
We're observing some of these.
The removal of trees which are not subject to those
of course does not require permission, is not development.
So if it has taken place and I couldn't confirm that tonight,
without knowing specifically which trees,
it wouldn't be an issue for the planning.
Taking the cycle routes, I think there are obviously conditions
which will require them to demonstrate
the nature of the site works.
Processes, you get to look at that in detail at the next
The application, when it comes in,
you don't believe they're appropriate within the sites.
Not only is it important to ensure that people are getting
work in pedestrian connectivity, surface water drainage,
all of that, you can raise concerns about that
and your officers bring them back.
We have already seen it, so it's important to ensure that
we're taking people's radar.
We've already raised it within the commission,
but it is an opportunity to discuss it later
when somebody comes forward with proposals.
Cllr Gary Fuller - 0:33:47
Thank you chair. On the nursery provision this is me trying to fill a lack of time.
It mentions that KCC haven't requested a financial aid. I know that with schools a lot of them
have moved away from being funded by the school. How therefore do KCC have a position on this
kind of provision given that we are in charge of the related schools and so on.
And secondly, if we were minded to take a look at the decision tonight, is it within
the power of the committee to say that we would expect the reserve matters to come back
to the table?
Thank you Councillor Fuller.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:34:37
Regarding the nursery provision, we need to bear in mind that the CST 9 is a broad allocation
from the far east to the far western areas of this.
We need to make sure that the nursery is not in the first application.
So bits of this policy, whilst they're applied very broadly, would have been considered at
that point.
So it wouldn't be a problem right now having already allowed the development to take place
without the idea of a secure nursery accommodation.
But KCC hasn't requested it, so we would be struggling to now push that matter forward.
The second matter is, no matter what matters to it, if they wish to come back to planning
you could do that tonight.
I'm not a popular at all.
Obviously the parish council would
object to the scheme if they felt it necessary.
If it was a strong disagreement with the
chair of the, well, the chief banning officer, me, I suppose.
Alternatively, if they felt it was necessary,
a ward member could call it in as well.
So yes, but I think it's noted that members have sort of
the right to see themselves come forward
and that's completely appropriate.
Can I just come back on that?
Cllr Gary Fuller - 0:36:07
I was suggesting that we should push for
because we're not, we don't run nurseries.
At least I'm not aware of.
More about how KCC
the changes in the way that the education system works
because they're not as old as they used to be.
So it's more about understanding,
which probably goes a bit wrong,
but I still like your views, as it were.
I'm sure the chair of the planning committee
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:36:40
can answer that, but I'll give it back to you
and correct me if I'm wrong.
SCC do forward forecasting of
the potential for education provision,
and part of that is looking at the birth rates.
Foreseer will future large parts of our district
will actually have a decline in birth rates
in primary school places.
And if we were to look at KCC's report last year,
it would demonstrate that in many part schools
will have significant success
in the course of a sizeable period of time
until the birth rate changes.
And that's how they would predict their nursery places.
And I will turn to you, just to tell me.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:37:24
You've actually taken them by mouth. That's precisely how they do and we are hearing that a lot of our primary
school staff are under the amount of children that they would normally have and they're not seen because of the
over the last couple years actually since Covid.
but the number of people that are increasing.
So some of the nursery schools
might actually be struggling,
but the Lord was absolutely right on that.
Councillor McLeish,
Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:37:58
my biggest concern is some of the things
that can be said.
There's everything in selling you have to drive to.
If you want shopping, you've got to come,
you've got to shop.
I think it's always oversubscribed, it's a really good thing.
The families that have been moving there won't be 70 people,
they've been from outside, so they'll be bringing children with them.
So it's very chaotic and nothing is going to change that
because you will have operations or you will have that.
You will have your families coming in there that will want shopping and will want facilities.
I don't see that happening in the local transport system when everybody's got to have the car
to live there.
There's not many buses that go there and the school is oversubscribed in all the years.
So we're going to put more houses into an area that doesn't need more housing.
So I don't understand that.
just seems...
A brief one.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:39:09
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:39:10
I think we need to go back to this side.
A lot of the school expansion that is taking place at the local primary school is being
led by new development, which is the Rose House.
This development as it comes forward and potentially the next members of the board.
upgrading the school facilities is happening
as a result of new developments to cater for that demand.
The site has footways existing.
As my colleagues have addressed,
they have chosen in balance to do that.
The scheme itself provides good water
and water and water and water through it
and provides for the facilities to go further east.
We also need to look at the other bits of development
The existing shop and the roadhouse site which all integrate with other existing routes are
available. It's also not only the facilities and this which would require more to be walked
rather than driven.
Everyone might need a car but the more people that live in a place there's a greater propensity
that the bus providers will have a chance to operate enhanced bus services.
I think that's a good question.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:40:34
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:40:36
I think the issue, there is a best service between Ashford and Folkestone, a lot of
the community through Folkestone, around the sort of various villages, Brave on Lee's
Limb, and its way, just outside the site on the A20.
Can someone speak?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:41:00
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:41:04
Can I just perhaps confirm a couple of things.
First of all I don't agree on the pathway.
I think it's important that we actually keep that green.
I think it would be terrible to take it away and have concrete there.
So I would say that I would go back to my school, it's not oversubscribed, we are actually
not oversubscribed from Ashford because we're not oversubscribed so it's not the case where
that came from but it's certainly not the case.
I have to mention I was very pleased to see in the 106s an amount of descend
and it's interesting to see that and I know the situation at KCC and I think that's really important
and as I say I think it's the first time I've seen it.
I would like to acknowledge that we do bring back the reserved application to this committee.
I think it's important, I mean it's a very important issue and I think it would be sensible
to actually make that decision.
It's a very important issue but I would propose that.
So, Councillor Horsby, you're proposing to ensure that the reserve matters come back
to committee, is that correct?
Do you have a seconder?
Councillor Coddard.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:42:44
I'd just like to, Councillor Fuller would like to come back.
Two things.
Cllr Gary Fuller - 0:42:54
on the cycling, I have a lot of roots within but if you are saying that there is no one
in the world that can do it, then you are creating a little cycling silo as it were
and if I can't cycle to the shops, I have to go to the shops but actually I spent most
of my teenage years having to cycle to the shops because of where I lived and if I couldn't
who got to the shops, they wouldn't have been very helpful.
The 10, I get three a day. They're really bad.
They're really young, they're like pretty much everything stagecoach provides.
And they only have one hour. So stagecoach are really going to have to play game if they're going to offer anything to someone.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:43:44
I'd like to reassure members on the distance from this site to the shops.
We are talking in the realm of finding a very short walk.
So whilst we are on the road, it's not a silo which is completely divorced and difficult
to get to the local village centre because there isn't a cycle connection.
It's a short walk.
You can't cycle there but you could walk.
You could cycle there but you wouldn't be on a dedicated cycle then, which I accept.
I think just for clarity, with the fact that the
senses is a short walk and highly sustainable.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:44:36
Councillor Butcher.
This can walk.
Cllr James Butcher - 0:44:43
Is whether people will be encouraged to walk because they feel safe elsewhere like in Denzil
where of course you can walk but crossing the road is daunting and I think we're missing
an opportunity in this way at future proof in communities like this to make it really
easy and attractive for people.
Councillor Cooper.
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:45:06
Given that this policy was even thought about and never mind introduced, what are the provisions
for the rules ahead?
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:45:18
The company would have been conceived prior to Brock, it would not have been conceived
prior to that which is the operation which tends to affect this.
You have to go through the A20, well the M20 was completely closed.
There was no policy requirements for air quality improvements, there were no indicators that
the air quality would be diminished and given the infrequent
and Brock would affect this village directly,
it would be difficult to require or even to require
air pollution measures because traffic is moving.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:46:03
Sorry, you've spoken twice on this one already.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:46:05
I'm sorry.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:46:07
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:46:08
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:46:08
Can I not just say that we just have got a new Premier and the cafe is something we know
about so easily within walking distance.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:46:21
Lovely so if I can sum up because I've been listening very carefully.
Can you suggest to the parish council that you look at the applications that are coming
through and try and get some S106 money towards the upkeep of the village hall.
I'm sure some of our planning officers will be working on that. I also agree that because we have
some of our people coming through there must be some way of connecting them because that
The cycle path will also be used with mobility scooters and ten per cent of these buildings
that are proposed for slightly more elderly and maybe slightly more immobile people.
So I would like that to be taken into consideration if you don't mind.
The water access, I'm really happy that the technology is coming forward for this.
and I will bring this up now is that quite often the viability of a site which
has a low quality, etc, all of a sudden
expenses on technology such as water treatment
are taken into consideration.
They're saying that the 22 % affordable is viable.
sincerely hoping that that will not be the case in this.
So that's my little rant.
However, we're looking at the application.
One proposer and one seconder.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:48:09
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:48:16
Sorry, I did ask are you proposing and you said yes
and that's why I asked for a seconder.
If people do propose, that's fine.
I will propose to the officers
to have a discussion
ensuring that the reserved matters,
which is what the concerns seem to be,
come back to this committee.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:48:42
Thank you very much.
All those in favour, please show.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:48:51
Those against.
Has passed.
Thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:49:12
Thank you very much.

5 23/1935/FH - Land adjoining Fencing Yard, Potten Farm, Sellindge

So we move on to our second application meeting which is the Land Adjoined Land Management
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:49:31
and Farm Selling. Do we have any questions? Thank you very much. And
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:49:33
as Mr Lodlow spoke
on the first one, he was happy not to speak on this one. So we have Councillor David Hayning
on behalf of Selling, could you come forward please, sir, and you have three minutes from
I made it without flipping over.
Microphone Forty - 0:50:00
Once again, I oppose this planning application for the same reasons as before.
what I would say is under the same circumstances
in the past, I think we're probably fighting swimming against the tide here
but what I would like to say is the following.
I am amazed that yourselves are, sorry I say the district
is putting forward the character of the village
and the community of the village.
The character of the village on a piece of glass.
I wouldn't mind that there's a Taylor Windham
which was approved.
The district actually encouraged the cycle path
and had the traffic right away to be increased by that three metres
because it helped in traffic calming,
it helped in the safety of the miles an hour
and it helped the linking of the community.
250 houses, now I'm terribly sorry but these three
We're talking about the same amount of properties that we're also talking
adjacent to the village. It has this cycle path which links everything to the east of the
village and here we are talking that a piece of grass is more important
I've lived there for 23 years my child is 11 years old will use that cycle path
and it will stop there. It will not go on the footpath.
It will not run over. You would see the effect that that had on my child.
It doesn't want to go on the footpath.
And do we want our children to actually go on the footpath?
Of course we don't. And that footpath
basically stops and then it goes on the footpath that I wouldn't want in a mobility scooter
or an ordinary aircraft.
I don't want to go on it because it's so bad.
Now the fact that the proposer of this planning application in his own plans
is suggesting that they are willing to actually do that.
The fact that the district is saying it's not a planning application,
I cannot understand and I would certainly concur.
The parish council actually, if this cycle path will be put in,
it will link not just everyone in that community
to everything to the east, but everything to the west,
to the places in Potton Farm, the pub and the church,
which will benefit from here.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are here not just to improve our communities
and to make them safer.
All I will certainly ask is if this is called back.
and also we would ask that as that happened in the past,
the area is reduced from 40 miles an hour to 30 miles an hour.
Sorry sir, your three minutes is up.
Thank you very much.
Thank you very much.
And for the second time this evening, we have John McCain,
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:53:23
The applicant speak in support of the application. Good evening again, sir. You have three minutes
Microphone Forty - 0:53:30
from when you speak. Thank you, chair. Thank you, members. I think
as this is applications within the Salinger Brothers, I'm not actually going to speak
for my three minutes.
I stand by the officer recommendation
and support the application.
So thank you very much.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:53:55
Over to Councillor.
Councillor McLeish.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:54:06
I'm not going to reiterate all what I've said,
but all those comments that I made earlier
apply to this application as well.
Thank you, Chair.
So this is, I believe then, an outcome that was already
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:54:21
observed, if that's correct.
Thank you.
In the report that I was just picking up on,
I think what Dr. Lonergan said, it does say in there
that the rate of the A23 is in the 20s and 20s.
So again, I don't know whether that does
and that is the concerns from the Salinge parish councillor.
But that would be included within the condition,
and would be within the application.
Thank you.
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:55:02
The calming measures were implemented as a result of the Tailor 1P scheme
with the build -outs, you know, where they created the lay -bys and build -outs.
So that relatively slowed speeds down going through the village.
And it's a 30 -meter speed limit just before you approach the school from the west now.
And the rest is 40.
Councillor Butcher?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:55:25
Yes, just to ask about 7 .56.
Cllr James Butcher - 0:55:31
Yeah, crossing, but the County Councillor requested this be removed from the proposal.
just wanting to understand why it was thought a bad idea to have the two -pin crossing.
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:55:52
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:56:01
I think there's a traffic item proposed as part of the previous paving either side, so
that will in effect act as a pedestrian crossing.
We have another application on the opposite side
of the road and there was the access there
which is why KCC decided that the Toucan crossing
wasn't required.
Just is there any control, I can't remember now,
Cllr James Butcher - 0:56:32
controlled crossing points?
There are no controlled crossing,
but there are two that are in the middle of the block
and then one further down.
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 0:56:41
Llywelyn Lloyd - 0:56:48
On the matter of the speed constraints,
we often have this conversation with our colleagues
at the Highways Authority at Kent County Council
about making speeds faster.
And whilst they're not being supported,
they are not being capable is the feedback we get.
Now normally what makes enforcing speed limits
a little bit faster is discussions in dense hole
spring to mind, where there is front end,
where there is distance, how people are acting
and how they are doing, and we can have this conversation
with TMT and TCLC as and when they are in the world,
you would imagine that in part of their safety audit
they will re -evaluate where the speed limits are.
They can't insist upon it because they are the authority.
but from personal experience on these planning applications,
imposing one before there is development is very difficult.
Imposing one afterwards is very difficult
because you suddenly have people in the area
which means that there's no incentive to do so.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:57:52
I'd also like to add that if we are to agree to this application,
we would like the reserve matters to come back to committee.
I'm driftfully sorry about your family Kat.
I know how you feel about your family.
I would personally say that yes, we need to look at these sites and the pavements,
especially as we will have a lot of families and we will have some young children
and we need to try and keep people as safe as possible.
If no other Councillor... oh, Councillor Fuller?
Cllr Gary Fuller - 0:58:36
Actually on that one I'd really personally urge the opportunity to walk along the A20, or at the very least waggon along the A20
because there's somebody who lives near an A road as it were and walks along the busier side of the A20 every day
the way it happens to be part of the National Site,
the way it's built off and a new language
that's as simple as that.
So, and it makes a difference.
Thank you very much, Dr Fuller.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:59:11
So we have one application in the planning.
I am happy to propose with the agreement
that it comes back to this committee
and the underserved matters.
Do I have a seconder please?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:59:26
All those in favour please stand by.
All those opposed, abstain.
Thank you, that application has passed.

6 24/0424/FH - East View, Dungeness Road, Dungeness, Romney Marsh, TN29 9NE

Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:59:57
And we move on to our next application which is down in beautiful Dungeness and this is
24 -0424 -FH and it's East View in Dungeness. Do we have any updates for this?
David Campbell - 1:00:14
Good morning Members, there's no updates on this.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:00:17
Thank you very much. We have no speakers on this, so over to you Councillors. Councillor
Thank you Chair.
Mr Ward.
Cllr Clive Goddard - 1:00:31
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:00:36
I'm dreadfully sorry, they moved it down the page.
No, it's Mr Chris.
Thank you sir, I do apologise.
I know you're standing in for someone which is where the confusion was.
You are the agent to speak to the application and you have three minutes for any start sir.
Microphone Forty - 1:00:59
Good evening members, I'm from Ingrenold.
I'm the agent to speak to the application and I'm in support of the application.
As an elderly couple who support and care for their young granddaughter, they've been
very happy to enjoy spending important time as a family together.
We've made a very meaningful statement within Dungeness, that we can make a home in the
future, but to create a home, we've been very happy to allow them to enjoy making the
most fantastic setting.
Prior to this application another architectural project was in application for a building
in 2020 in 2021.
It received a total of 125 objections from the local community and was subsequently
approved by the City.
This development presented today has received a number of objections, namely Lid Town Council.
This clearly demonstrates that the development of the building has been addressed.
As to the National Council's particular concerns, we'd like to alleviate these and
make them clear that the main purpose of this project is to ensure that the original
property was not a part of the original property.
We have studied the local vernacular and typologies of all the original parts to make up the conservation
area and the main purpose of this project's ongoing ethos was to always go back to the
original property.
This is the main purpose of the project's appearance and scale to ensure that it was
not have characterized the use of asbestos
as clearly demonstrated in our design.
Next, we'll go through the training and refurbishing
versus replacement of asbestos.
EASEview in its current environment
has to be inhabited with the issues
in conditions that are not limited to water damage,
the presence of asbestos in the roof, walls, and floor,
which is highlighted in the submitted asbestos report.
These are the examples that will allow us to look
sensitive replacement of the dwelling to ensure that not only its physical
appearance is retained but in
to create a highly sustainable dwelling whilst ensuring that the building as part of the
collective grid is secured for many decades to come. In summary the replacement dwelling
is a highly sustainable dwelling and has a remote setting with the approach influenced by the character of the local context
providing a positive contribution to the area whilst it is acknowledged that the scheme is of a more
than a more realistic and more interesting property. It maintains a simple design that doesn't deviate away from the
character and doesn't attempt to create the structure of buildings that it belongs to.
It also has a more realistic and more realistic approach which would reinforce the beach house character's
of the existing property, making them more active and providing longevity.
The design rationale for a replacement dwelling has been well considered and therefore we
ask that you support the officer's recommendation.
Thank you very much sir, enough of that.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:04:03
Over to you Councillors, Councillor Thomas then Councillor Goddard.
Thank you very much.
We've got our first speaker.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:04:08
Thank you Councillor Thomas.
Cllr Clive Goddard - 1:04:12
Yeah I'll tell you we've got a speaker.
Before sums it up, it's a great way to get the people to dwell in and have to move the
Councillor Thomas would you like to speak as well?
If I may.
I think it's a good idea.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 1:04:34
I think it's a good idea, as I've said and the agent,
I think it looks nice in the area keeping
with many of the other newer places,
or in fact even some of the other places on that road.
And as the officer points out in the report,
it does beat CSDF, so we do allow for that
within our policies, so thank you.
Thank you, Councillor Cooper -Gilliams.
Any other Councillor like to speak on this?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:05:03
Councillor Butcher.
Just to say that this is considered reasonable to remove some permits
Cllr James Butcher - 1:05:10
if I'm not right.
I just wanted to understand is that a fairly normal condition and just because it's an
appropriately worded condition would secure this, is that condition for?
If not, can you just explain how the condition is?
Yes, it is a very important issue particularly around Dungeness.
David Campbell - 1:05:31
It means that we're approving the development of the Dungeness Act.
For any further works they would need to apply for permission.
Again it is the Dungeness Act to confirm the number of Dungeness Act.
And you're correct it was number 4.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 1:05:51
Just to firm up, Councillor Fisher, that condition
re -imposes the existing after four direction, which
is across the site, which is the boundary that was specified
in the report.
It goes far as changes in hardscape, erection offence,
outbuildings, beehives, the whole thing is approved
because of its special needs that our development would
required permission.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:06:22
We have a proposer and a seconder to
with the officer's recommendation which is to allow this application
all those flavours please show your name.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:06:37
And I can see that that is unanimous. Thank you very much, that has passed.

7 24/0721/FH - 39 Earls Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2HB

Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:06:54
So we move on to our next application of the evening which is 24 -021 -FH which is 39
Do we have any updates please?
Mr Robert Allan - 1:07:10
No updates.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:07:15
I believe we have no speakers on this one either, I'm just double checking.
So councillors, over to you.
If there are any issues, ask any questions regarding this particular application.
Councillor Walker.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:07:34
Cllr Belinda Walker - 1:07:37
I'm only a neighbour, but there's been some discussion about this locally.
I don't think anyone just said that this is very detrimental to the loss of hotel rooms
and folks.
In fact, if I'm right, I think most of the people who study here are parents.
You know, just checking out the facilities.
One thing that does concern residents locally
is the loss of a place where people can gather.
The wards at Oldscliffe will be changing the layout
or helping to change the layout.
I'm using some facilities for schools.
I wonder if any consideration was given
to use net as a community space or to
open the. These two other schools in the area.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:08:31
Mr Robert Allan - 1:08:33
And thank you. The as a as a private
school in a private.
Probably own property would be.
In the remit of the planning.
It's hard to require that I'm afraid.
Thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:08:48
Councillor Polly Blakemore?
I think that's a good question.
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 1:08:55
In the request of the other three there's reference to national policy taking a lot
of the time to go to school places.
I don't imagine that there are children who go to school, that particular school given
that it is a private school,
and that it's a private company,
but I'm not really sure that point actually adds up.
Sorry, I think we've just heard the weather coming.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:09:22
Councillor Thomas.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 1:09:31
Just a clarification, I'm just picking up on something.
3 .3 says there's no...
Is that the point?
I think the point is on the layout of the building.
Oh, OK.
The building.
I don't know if that's the point.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 1:09:54
But then, which is anyway.
Mr Robert Allan - 1:09:59
So, in terms of, there are, I think,
there are changes internally, but I think the
and there'd be art rooms and yes,
instant side of it.
So in terms of that, I mean the physical,
internal alterations wouldn't be covered by planning.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 1:10:32
In 3 .9 when it talks about marketing,
It's a good thing.
It's been a long time since February 23 for 15 months.
It's been a great experience for doing such a thing.
Thank you.
The policy asks for 12 months.
Mr Robert Allan - 1:10:51
We've had a lot of that and I don't know if we've had any way that we've had.
There's no reason to discount that and which also officers call for.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 1:11:08
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:11:14
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 1:11:20
In which case, I'm happy to propose this application with the
it would be impressive if I could look at the
liability report, but I understand the situation
and I know you can't.
It was actually quite a nice hotel and provided
which obviously will be a loss but I accept.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:11:59
Thank you. So we have one proposer and one seconder to agree with the change of use from
a hotel and restaurant to an educational and educational environment.
Please in favour, please show your right hand if you can see that's
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:12:14
unanimous that that
has passed. Thank you very much.

8 24/0815/FH - Acoustic G R G Products, Lower Wall Road, West Hythe, Hythe, CT21 4NN

Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:12:32
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:12:47
If we just wait for one moment for Councillor Goddard to come back.
Thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:14:40
Lovely, yes we saw you try and stop the video.
Don't ever make a big fuss then, we'll get to that.
Now that we've had the natural break that some people needed we will go on to the next item.
The location is 24 -0815 -F which is acoustic GRG products, lower wall road in West Highs.
Are there any updates?
Good evening Chair and fellow members.
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 1:15:11
We do have one up there.
In addition to the existing conditions, I would also like to recommend an additional
one with submission provided for the raised walkway over the existing back roof.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:15:30
Thank you and we have no speakers on this so it's straight out to you Councillors and
that they would like to have a particular application.
Councillor Thomas.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 1:15:47
I'm happy to move the office of the Mayor.
And Councillor Keene has just seconded.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:15:53
I just wanted to ask, because it's in 715,
Cllr Mike Blakemore - 1:15:58
refers to the application site lies within
the application site, proposals should protect
or in other local landscape areas.
For those that are not consistent with the split,
they support less the need to score economic,
social well -being outweighs the need.
Where it refers to it not resulting in undue harm
to the character of local landscape,
it would not harm the character of its surrounding area.
It seems to me like it's hard to say
that this doesn't cause some harm.
This development, it's not enhancing or protecting, is it?
really causing some harm to the
being from quite a long way away so I was just interested in where does our
duty to protect that landscape line
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 1:16:50
officer this is a first floor extension in the context of
sorry officer can you speak up we can't hear you
So given that the building is not
option to an existing building and that there's an
residual and business use for this site, and it's not considered that the addition
would make the landscape area more than it already does.
Yeah, I was just, it's difficult to say something. I can't see how it's protecting and enhancing
Cllr Mike Blakemore - 1:17:20
even if not significantly, but I'll let the point lie.
how it is protecting and enhancing by harming it,
even if only harming it by a small amount.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 1:17:32
Thank you, Colonel.
Paragraph 7 .17 of the report.
Where the officer, for officer Mopler,
in my report, was a very important element,
but given the context, it in itself
wouldn't result in any harm.
The report is completely open to yourselves,
so there's a way up to that balance,
and say, for example, that the extent of this roof,
the cement roof behind it,
or come to a conclusion, whether you think
there needs to be further protection and enhancement
of the use at 7 .17, we don't think it does
given what's already there.
If we were to move on, we might have sought
alternative mitigation to overcome it.
I think what's worth understanding is we've...
which we have concerns with given its bulk and scale
and much smaller impact on the building itself.
There would be a change in the harm to the landscape
and its totality and comes to the conclusion
whether you believe that was visually harmful
to the land mitigation like that.
But it's perfectly within your gift to strike that.
We've come down on the fact that we don't believe this
context is harmful at all.
Councilor Fuller.
I'll take that a little bit further.
Is the conclusion it's not harmful at all,
Cllr Gary Fuller - 1:19:02
or is it the security of the business,
so effectively the, what's the exact term,
the economic and social wellbeing outweighs
the small level of harm.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 1:19:20
I've referred to paragraph 7 .16 of 7 .11, which is that it's not harmful to the landscape
area and concludes it would not be visually harmful. There are obviously economic benefits
and improvements in supporting the existing business, but our conclusion at 7 .17 is that
it's not harmful to the landscape area, which I think is the policy of the first time I
cancelled that one.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:19:44
I have got attention on page 225 which is in the letter supporting this which I found
quite interesting.
It seems to be quite a nice thing and the neighbour seems to think that it would actually
act as a deterrent to other crime.
have a double use.
If no other Councillor, oh, Councillor Hoesby.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 1:20:15
To refer to the comment by Bournemouth.
Wondered whether the officer
liked to comment on it.
I don't know if you want me to read it out.
Site is generally untied with tires and equipment.
There were a couple of other
and the same obstructions to the highway.
The additional story would result in an
increase in the building that would harm
the wider rural area which is just explained.
The proposal would be used as residential
and the site is not appropriate for this.
The security and security request appeared
to have no evidence and could be mitigated
by security.
I just wondered if you could comment on that note from Vermaersch.
I think it's important that we, you know,
ask parish councils what they think and I think it's quite important that we recognise it.
I'm going to address it and I'm going to turn to my colleagues who are
Llywelyn Lloyd - 1:21:18
closer to the detail than myself.
Paragraph 5 .1.
Obviously the parish council are very important
and we take into consideration.
I think we understand that there can be
some discussions this evening
focused on the development before us.
Because the way the site is operated could change,
you could have different opportunities in the future.
So in that regard, I think we've probably
come to the conclusion that the building, the developments,
the extension is acceptable.
Concerns around the residential use
is not proposed in this application.
The earlier application had elements of residential
which were removed.
And for some reasons, obviously, we
don't support residential development in the countryside.
And they're specifically justified
through specific individual needs.
In this case, we don't support that.
So on balance, we don't believe that the development
is harmful and the rest of the site operates.
And I would draw your notice to the condition that this should not be used for residential.
Would any of yous like to make a comment on certain areas?
So we have a proposer and a seconder to agree with the Office of the Government's first
floor extension.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:22:52
All those in favour, that has passed. Thank you very much.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:23:07
So we move on to our next application which is 24 -0872 -FH which is the 4th Street Hall
in Stone Street in Stamford.
Do we have any updates please?
Folkestone & Hythe Officer - 1:23:21
Thank you, Chair. Good evening, Councillors. Yes, I'll start with the total now stands
at two letters of support, two general comments and two subjections. The issues raised in
the new letters of support but raise the additional comment that there's no need for a village
hall to be supported by the applicant. The applicant has submitted a fairly lengthy response
objections raising the following summarised points.
The parish council don't object.
There are plans for work
funded by money from the sale of the village hall,
although officers haven't seen any evidence of this.
The current building within High Street
has been fully discussed and voted on at parish council meetings.
The attention of the site for community uses were considered,
but as per the report, officers agree with it.
Particulars have also now been provided by the
and not the extended marketing period required by the policy as per the report.
The decision that the agency has made to ensure that the
and site is well in support of their position.
But abandonment is a very complicated issue.
There are legal concepts within planning
and the decision to consider that the use has been abandoned.
Thank you, Chair.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:24:40
Thank you very much.
and we have three guests to speak on this tonight.
Our first speaker is a local resident
to speak against the application.
If you'd like to come up, good evening,
and you will have three minutes when you start.
Thank you.
Microphone Forty - 1:25:07
Good evening and thank you for context.
I am a recently elected trustee.
I live opposite the hall and I have no objection to a house being built, but not at the cost
of losing a living.
As the Planning Officer has advised, parish council minutes should be changed to repair
and became unusable.
Don't go into a lack of demand for the hall.
All residents must be presented with a right to the control of the land.
On the contrary, before 2020, the trustees chairman told residents that the visual was
a force of the community and if they voted for the sale, he was optimistic.
But optimism is a force of the C2 of the Places and Policies Low Plan.
and it was known they would end up losing their community facility
and voted for its disposal.
At last year's annual village meeting, residents voted 50 to 6
to hold community events at the church
and this year the PCC is holding funding from the sale proceeds
to create a community facility and place of worship
subject to the sale and the sale being valid.
The application was also suggested incidentally by a surveyor hired by the then trustees back
in 2008.
So given there clearly is a demand, a plan that can be made in the House should be accompanied
by a detailed proposal from the trustees and the
with development potential.
But I'm not entirely sure if I'm told that its designated status has been lifted,
and I don't think it has been.
As shown, the required documents certifying that the trustees were in the sell the land
without charity commission approval.
Stanford is currently without a community facility.
The Irish Council now need to engage with the residents and the application board.
That means going back to the drawing board.
Thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:27:43
Thank you very much, sir.
Our speaker is Alistair Holt, who is a local and a member of the application board.
Good evening, sir.
Microphone Forty - 1:27:59
Microphone Forty - 1:28:00
Thank you, Chair and committee. I am the Chairman of the Stanford and Western Hangar
and a Trustee just like the previous speaker, Peter.
We are only a small village, we have a village hall, it fell through nobody's fault,
the village hall was built in the early days, the village didn't have very much money,
and unfortunately it suffered from societies.
When I was a boy there was cracks in the village hall and they gradually got worse,
So in the late 19th century, we were talking about a village hall.
Stanford has not had a village hall in 25 years.
If anybody said that there was a building facility, yes there has.
That happened 25 years ago.
More than that, you were depending on when you liked to draw the line.
It was used as a village hall.
have looked
at buying.
The fact that we couldn't provide disable parking.
This is billions more years ago, and we had no talks about dub
and washed and sand droughts because it was the delivery
that Walker St rocks.
And this is a number 8th -century family experience in Japan.
So here we are CHEBRO WHY.
What we did was weren't quite as beautiful at the time
then as the children are old
There was an extraordinary committee
that was introduced to the sale of the village.
I want to make that very clear.
Nobody objected to the sale of the village.
Moving on, there is a possibility
that we are looking into
in that we can get a community facility
in the village hall to be a part of the discussion
for the village hall committee at the moment.
So it is, I'll just make it clear,
that we didn't have a chance to go out for sale
and we were able to get a new facility
or the community, thank you very much everybody.
Thank you sir.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:31:07
And our third speaker is Councillor Graham Horner on behalf of Stanford Flash Council
and the application.
Good evening sir.
Microphone Forty - 1:31:21
Thank you chair.
I'm going to make a few rounds for refusal. I'm only going to make a community facility thing.
I've lived in Stanford for a long time. All that time there's never been a functioning village before.
How it became derelict is irrelevant.
The site has been sold legally by an individual who has a real estate in the house.
the house on it and we the council are keen to rid the village of the
The law and planning guidance rightly put in place a community facility to be
proposed to change of use.
The council has directly cited non -compliance with the letter that
the council has made a chance for refusal.
The parish council have no power over the committee. We've looked on for more
In two decades, as of the beginning of the development of the existing building, the
procurement of a new building, which would require a new site, was restored by the Village
Hall Committee.
You've heard about that.
The proposed building was ultimately failed due to financial and or planning constraints.
We support the development of the building.
As custodian trustees, the council legally owned the land and as such we have a huge
ensure that the correct procedures were followed to enable the disposal site, including compliance.
This involved a formal consultation of our residents which confirmed a majority of the
site. The choice for them was between a scruffy site which could not be brought to the site
and money in the bank to be used should a suitable opportunity be made.
As regards planning, the NPPF requires an assessment to show a recreational building
is surplus to requirements.
The potential is no use to anybody and the site is too small to support a requirement.
That's my assessment.
Local plan policy see the facility to be offered for sale as a community facility for a year
as proof of lack of demand.
the members of the committee to know where they are required to.
Strictly, that is why the current owner has to insist on that.
The policy seated clearly does not envisage
the possibility of a reduction and even then incapable of doing so.
I would invite members to the committee to know
and instruct officers that in the circumstances
the public consultations already carried out
and will not satisfy the MPPF and Policy Center.
I believe this is within your powers.
If you're not able to do this, then I believe
that it is obviously what is expected of him
to remove this ground for refusal.
Thank you.
Thank you very much, sir.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:34:29
I'd like to ask some questions.
Councillor Mike Blakemore please.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 1:34:36
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 1:34:39
I have some sympathy with the residents.
I think they found themselves in a situation where
their property is derelict.
They're not in the business of providing
commercial services.
How can they fulfil this due to the
need in the village to do that?
However, there are a few other
The speaker mentioned for refusing this application.
Insubmission information provided to demonstrate
the site and fail to demonstrate the proposed event
would be nutria.
But it can meet the requirement.
We haven't heard anything this evening.
So recommendations and
recommendation and refuse permission.
Please, can I ask a proposal? Do you have a seconder?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:35:32
Pardon me, did you want to speak?
Yes, please.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 1:35:35
We have not got a lot of time from the last two speakers.
That's why I'm interested in that I'm a member of the Stanford Church congregation in the PCC.
but I think you've got to remember that with regard to the history of this village hall.
It's been derelict for 25 years.
It's in the streets where the church is.
So people go to the church hall or if there's a wedding,
C2 has been put into place and it has put a number of people off actually having their weddings there
but I want to argue that C2 has been met
the officers think it should be met
but we're going to auction
I'm not sure what year it was
to auction.
Up until the day of the village had had many discussions,
discussing what they should do.
And at the end of the day, so it's over a number of years,
at the end of the day they decided the best thing was for it to go to auction.
And now the auction there has been available to provide a community facility
the facility within the village.
Now, I love to see it develop,
and as I say, I go to church there,
and it's an eyesore.
They want to see it develop.
So I would suggest that it has been addressed,
may I say that it should have been,
but it has been addressed because it was a very
very surprising, there have been a lot of
things that have happened to it,
so I feel that that has been addressed.
With regard to the two other reasons,
actually, I think that there is a
significant neutrality that it is
a very important movement, or,
I'm not sure what the word in the
is, but it's not so, maybe the officers
can help me out there and is to recommend that we go for approval with
delegation to work with the applicant on mitigating
and the biodiversity and I think
I think they just need a little bit of attention
and support and I think the officers could do that.
So that's my view.
And to the officers, the situation with regard
to the biodiversity.
Do you have a question?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:39:00
We have a sentence, we have two proposals.
I'm going to ask the panelists to come in and maybe clarify because I think what we're
looking at here is a pickle with the power that other people have got caught up in and
whether we like it or not as a community, it's a very meaningful process.
I'd like to turn it over to Mr Lloyd.
Thank you, Chair.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 1:39:30
I think there's a couple of points I could pick up on them.
I'm not surprised.
I think the first thing is whilst I also may have
to see with applicants the situation they find themselves in,
we have to be active.
We have a policy that requires
where there is the loss of a community facility.
The organization at the auction that took place
said that it had been marketed and auctioned a long time ago, whenever that took place,
for a community facility.
It's not that it's a good thing or a bad thing.
The people had the opportunity to get a bit of a concern based on its physical state as
a community facility.
In averting that, the problems that have gone on, and because it's a difficult position,
When you think about how does that consist of the district,
in the recent lessons, Councillor Thomas asked,
for the 15 months was an efficient time
to consider the planting of the site.
The planning process for the 12 months
is considered the appropriate time,
and our planning policies and this application
are consistent, they've been planning for 15 years,
and I'm no doubt the applicant's planning agent
was not considered the application.
If they believe there is no case for this site to be used for the community facility,
then the marketing exercise should be made, but I would urge caution in where we are.
I can appreciate that we would need to be careful about how we apply that policy.
I would advise that you can't approve the documentation.
because we do not know at this moment in time when any of that was installed or even possibly
secured by the government or Section 106 agreement.
Nobody has done that work.
We have no solution to the nutrient neutrality.
We have no solution to the appropriate solution to biodiversity.
So even if the new one were to be removed because members could find a reason why CS
of the policy was acceptable to be ignored.
The policy would have to be followed.
Members could not take the internet on those grounds
because you have a vacuum of information.
I'd urge caution.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:42:03
I think that's all that's gone up.
So, Councillor.
Cllr Gary Fuller - 1:42:12
I think we can sort of hypothetical very quickly on the idea of seed.
If you imagine that a local swimming facility, for some reason, it would take maybe 12 months
to sell it.
After 12 months we might sell it.
It's been used for a while for that purpose.
I mean maybe we could change the rules and just let somebody build some houses on it
or something.
I suspect if we were in those circumstances that a number of people on the other side
of the council would have been able to provide a council.
So I very much take the Chief Officer's view that we should be looking at the edges of
our own rules and therefore I think we should be looking at the edges of our own rules.
Thank you, Councillor Thomas.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 1:43:09
As a recipient of the
coming back and actually validating some of that,
which is done really quite easily.
So again, I support what's been said,
and I support what Councillor Fuller said in regard to,
we do have a lot of work to do,
and it doesn't meet SS3,
neutrality and the biodiversity net gain as well.
So I can't see much more of a recommendation
for this recommendation for refusal for this application.
Thank you chair. Thank you.
Councillor De Zia.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:44:03
Thank you chair. What I was going to say was basically this.
Cllr Tony Cooper - 1:44:09
Just in the last 20 years, it doesn't mean it's a city requirement.
Let me give you an example.
In St Mary's in the Marsh, there was a village hall there.
More than 20 years ago.
That community up there, they spent 20 odd years,
and everything else, raise funds.
We have a grand soft lorry in the Prosperity Fund,
which is going up in the next couple of weeks.
So, it does decide to...
...a clap -related village hall and it doesn't necessarily mean to say.
It should be a nice place.
I understand what Mr Lloyd said, in respect that this should be consistent.
and to be fair we should be consistent and I'll support the Office's recommendation.
Thank you Councillor Cooper, Councillor McLeish.
Just to clarify, so in support of the financial aid register I just
Cllr James Butcher - 1:45:07
would like some advice on that.
I'll be in a position then to say well all right I'll do a marketing exercise
about biodiversity net gain and so on.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 1:45:23
I will, I might defer to my learned colleague to jump in if I'm wrong.
If once the marketing has been carried out, or the applicant demonstrates that there is
no need for a community to do this at this point, then we could enter into the office
and as officers we recognise that we can make a settlement that is not in principle unacceptable,
but we have an initial settlement and after that we can then engage in the discussion
the applicant in sorting out the nutrient recovery
and the biodiversity net gain solutions,
which I think could be theoretically achieved
before the market is transferred to the market.
So, what I would say is that the systems
to be demonstrated from a market value
or a fair value for the site would be,
whether the marketing has been adjusted,
whether people buy it.
If that can be overcome,
The deathly entertain planning applications for redevelopment of the site.
The plans are to a degree tied by policies which would seek to protect the development and the policies of this Council.
And although the Council is not in the position to do that, it is up to members of the Council to do that.
And they weight the evidence before them.
If I answered you right then it's up to the applicant then to do some work and come back
to you and have another conversation.
Cllr James Butcher - 1:46:49
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:46:55
So we have a proposal is to accept officers recommendation to review all those in favour
please show your hand. Those against.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:47:13
And no abstentions.
Mr Alex Baker - 1:47:19
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:47:20
Mr Alex Baker - 1:47:23
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:47:23
Thank you. So we have gone with the officers
recommended. Proposal falls in this case.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:47:36
application of the evening
66 -FH which is Fairfield Court Farm
Brick Lane Brooklyn in Wroldale. Do we have any updates please?
David Campbell - 1:47:55
Yes just a few updates and we've got an
additional comment from
existing objector, the section 73 process should not be applicable.
It was made in the previous decision in July last year which required the applicant to
reduce the scheme size and scope of the proposals.
It's out of place and an intrusion is in a protected rural setting and there are
All those points have been covered in the main report and just a minor one, there should
be some updates on the proposed site plan on the drawing number.
That's it, thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:48:47
The speakers on this, Mr George Staple who is a local resident to speak against the application.
If you'd like to come forward sir, good evening and you'll have three minutes from
Thank you.
Microphone Forty - 1:49:07
Thank you, Chair.
On the 8th of July, 2023, the committee declined to grant planning commission to this applicant
and to the plans which were in the same form as those before you this evening.
The only difference now is that the committee has made a decision under Section 73 of the
Thailand Country Planning Act which is designed and intended for minor improvement.
The committee also decided in July 23 that the committee should discuss the scale, size
and appearance of the proposed dwellings with the Act and report back to the committee.
Negotiations duly took place resulting in modified plans,
reducing the footprint of the dwellings by some 30 % with the alteration in their allowance.
The application was then referred back to the committee on 12 December 2021.
Thanks from the applicant for the help he had received from the officers
the planning authority's formal decision on 21 June this year, the applicant
in the UK with an application under Section 73 to revert to the original schedule.
This would result, for instance, in an increase of one bedroom and one bathroom per house,
with equivalent further living space, and many more windows to the whole development.
The courts have made it abundantly clear that 1073 is not to be used as a
change of changes to an existing permission.
Instead it is there to seek permission only for minor changes.
An increase of some 30 % in the footprint of the dwellings at 15 %
cannot possibly be described as minor,
but it is clearly fundamental and the
development under Section 73 should therefore be refused.
The focus should now be on clearing the disused site and building houses
without further consideration in accordance with the plans and conditions of the
And it is a scheme which offers some chance of protecting the amenity
and it will also to some extent improve highway safety and encourage wildlife and biodiversity.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:52:13
And our last speaker of the evening is Mr Scott Balcombe, who is the application of
from when you start third good evening.
Microphone Forty - 1:52:26
Microphone Forty - 1:52:28
Thankfully having looked through the report I think all the concerns you've just heard from Mr Staple
have been addressed and have been justified in section 5 .3 of the report.
We had a discussion prior to putting the application in of the section 73 and whether it was appropriate
and we decided it was.
I'm here this evening to give reason to the fact that the application was deferred and
that there was a conflict that would indicate or eliminate the size of the properties but
rather conscious of the consensus by the committee
that the properties were too big.
As part of my application, I had a document
that showed more than 10 other properties
within a 1 .5 mile radius,
the same size or bigger than the ones we had proposed,
which is very much considering the sparsity
of houses in that area.
My stepfather was a resident of the city for 10 years,
and although he has recently passed,
I was asked to have many of his peers to take advice from and that advice led me to meeting
my barrister Zach Simons.
He is a specialised in planning appeals so I asked him to review the webcast as we were
all curious as to why the webcast was not his recommendation of approval.
Zach has been voted the top junior planning barrister in the country every year since
two years, including this year.
These are his observations.
The scheme has not been rushed and thrown together.
It has taken five years working hand in hand with the planning department to produce a
design and support.
There were numerous comments requesting or questioning how the size of these properties
fits into the local landscape as a comparison to what is a local landscape.
So that was concerned because the document I referred to earlier showing examples of
the sizeable properties and therefore answering these questions have not been reviewed by
all the committee members.
There was no policy that was contravened within my planning application that was an appropriate
measure for the application, especially when recommended three times for approval by the
planning officers.
And lastly, the quote from 8 .1,
the proposed dwellings are unacceptable design,
well cited and would not cause any unacceptable harm
to local residential or physical amenity,
the public speaking for itself.
The first is that if we are unsuccessful
in gaining committee support this evening,
going against the recommendation of planning officials
for the third time, we will have a very strong case
for me to go to the office where I have the advantage of applying.
I am hopeful the committee can support the officer recommendation.
Your three minutes is up sir.
Thank you all.
Thank you very much.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:55:37
Councillors, Councillor Thomas then Councillor Polybaker.
Yeah, thank you Jeremy.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 1:55:44
We're all over again isn't it?
So we've been here before and we've heard the argument
supported previously when we listened to local residents
through the development with regard to the scale
and the layout.
I think I'm right in saying that the
has been tested in the High Court relatively recently.
and that providing the operating part of the application
is maintained, then the Section 73 application is valid.
Whilst we might not like that as a committee,
the applicant asked the applicant to consider
back last year and he was more likely to comply with
to get the application done.
It does seem slightly strange that we're now being presented
with the retail application again.
However, as has been stated in the report,
the applicant, I don't think we have any grounds
for refusing this or going against
the officer's recommendation tonight.
That grieves me to say that, and I think we've
had a good result, is my personal opinion.
But I do think we've made the officer's
recommendation for approval.
Thank you.
Do you have a seconder?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:57:12
Councillor Goddard?
Councillor Polly Brakeman?
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 1:57:22
I can't quite believe we're here again either but I simply don't follow the applicant's
argument in Power Graph 7 .8 where the footprint of existing buildings is like an average development.
It's not comparing like with like.
We're talking about emptier abandoned farm buildings on one hand and large residences
or holiday vehicles on the other.
But added to that, the amount of reservations I had last July, nothing has changed.
The problem with the size, the proportions, the scare, the amount of people, all just
incongruously dominant in the open marsh landscape and all right next to the open marsh in Rye
Bay SSSI and the repositioning of the houses just doesn't work and that just makes the
whole impact or that much worse I simply can't support this application.
Thank you Councillor.
Thank you Chair.
Cllr Clive Goddard - 1:58:21
I think Councillor Thomas sort of gave a very good overview of the application.
I'll just pick up on 7 .5 saying the discussion on the changes amended will not increase the
density because obviously they're moving back from the yard so it will accommodate the updated
Again 7 .7 touches on when it came to us in July.
The architecture design approach of the main house, the three dwellings of Dalton remain
fundamentally the same.
So we believe there's not too much of a change there.
They've been moved about 7 .12 highlights while the dwellings would be larger in size.
that they approve to move further away from the central courtyard.
So we're the central courtyard, they don't look any bigger.
I think the speaker touched on it in 8 .1, the proposed dwellings were acceptable scale
and designed well -sited and would not cause any un -sexual harm to those who are in the
community, the public high school, the school's scheme is therefore acceptable.
So happy to support Councillor Thomas.
I agree with Councillor Blakemore.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 1:59:42
We asked this originally to go away because we were very concerned with the impact on the landscape.
We agreed with the applicant the Balkan scale of the drought.
and now we find that the MP3 is being used. However, I would give you some policies to
this one which is part of our core which is SS1, SS2 and HB1 which is protecting the landscape.
As much as I understand that there is the soil business there at the moment, it is very
obvious to me that the applicant has already done some dwellings, possibly for his family,
which I have been talking about previously, but we agreed to finish up the mess on this
I'm going to be supporting this one.
I'm going to be supporting this one personally in this one.
Are you proposing, Councillor Blakemore?
I'm seconding.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:00:55
I am happy to second.
Do you want to speak at the moment?
Councillor Haynes.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 2:01:03
Well, the application...
The applicant could go back to the previous application I had,
because he's got planning permission.
And I think...
Thomas has said in terms of the year 1973,
and so I will be supporting Councillor Thomas.
Just echoing that, obviously there is already planning and permission there so will it
be difficult to...
Cllr Clive Goddard - 2:01:34
It's still within the same area of the current application.
So I guess there are an option.
The officer could have helped us out with that.
Sorry, can you just repeat your question please?
David Campbell - 2:01:54
Basically, I'm saying it's still within
Cllr Clive Goddard - 2:01:59
the mission site, it's gone bigger, but it's still within that
and if Councillors are supporting us, we can turn it down for that reason.
I'm not sure I'm the environment, I'll get the exact word out of here, but I'm sort of struggling with that, David.
And I think we've made a very good decision with the scope of the Section 73,
David Campbell - 2:02:22
both in terms of the size of the building, the size of the building, the size of the building,
the size of the building, the size of the building, the size of the building, the size of the building,
the last time round, the size of the existing buildings, etc.
But you do still need to be clear that this is acceptable.
That's a conclusion that you'll have to come to tonight.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:02:49
Correct me if I'm wrong here.
Cllr Tony Cooper - 2:02:52
If I remember rightly when this first came before this, there was a bit of a debate
in respect of what we should be doing with this.
And I'm quite sure we will advise the communications here
which will be granted the original planning permission,
which is at 30 % of less than what it is now,
and then the soil works etc. would be stopped and removed.
Am I correct in assuming that, Mr Lloyd?
Llywelyn Lloyd - 2:03:21
That was the tenant on which the previous application was made,
that this was a development that replaced an existing,
unable development.
Thank you very much.
Cllr Tony Cooper - 2:03:32
and there's no further work on that just apart from the second application.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 2:03:41
The application is yet to be completed.
Thank you.
Cllr Tony Cooper - 2:03:46
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:03:48
Would any of the councillors wish to speak?
No? So our first proposal is to...
Sorry councillors.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:03:56
It's not a very clear question but I suppose because I wasn't involved on the applicant
Cllr James Butcher - 2:04:04
was making it wanting us to be abundantly clear with appeal and win costs and all of
that so I suppose the consequences are from officer's point of view what our scope for
action is turning down this application as it stands.
Llywelyn Lloyd - 2:04:30
We have to assess the application and put forward their recommendation for approval.
In coming to a contrary view, as with all planning applications, we believe the planning
harm is caused and given the least officers the indication of what they believe that the
and that implies the reason for refusing
if that's what you're doing.
In terms of costs,
whether it is better to make sure the planning
is identified and what is resulting
in a decision being made,
and why you're taking a contrary view,
tonight you've heard two opposing views
on the same balance,
so why don't you just take that up
and come to that view.
I think as long as you're identified,
then and policies are cited.
I think costs in this case, I don't know how successful
I think the concern raised by the Speaker was under
the previous decision, had there been,
I think the assertion was had there been a cost
based on a decision to point, no point in reaching
in reaching your viewers to your meetings for seeking amendments had you expressed what was concerned
so officers went back and negotiated and achieved the scheme before previously approved
but I think in coming to any decision contrary to officers it is up to members to identify
and invest that into a reason for refusing. If that's the final decision of this committee goes
Alternatively, we could agree with officers' recommendations
that there is no harm.
We could improve the development.
So, we did...
You've listed some policies...
Cllr James Butcher - 2:06:23
...which is, and I guess, whether Councillor Blaitmore can articulate
what the harm is that would allow us then to justify a review, if that's possible.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:06:34
I have some policies that I think go against this,
but what I would also say to the committee is you cannot make your decision on the fact
that you are not going to be able to make your decision on what is in front of you and
your understanding of the case. The very fact that we may be taken to court or threatened
with court and have to pay costs, you have to make your decision into consideration when
we are making our decision on this application. So I hope that's absolutely clear.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:07:12
The first proposal which is to accept the officer's recommendation.
All those in favour please show your hands.
Thank you all again.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:07:25
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:07:30
So that proposal has fallen.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:07:40
Councillor Blakemore, you walk forward the proposal to reduce.
Would you like to give some reasonings?
I have a question I can also put forward.
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 2:07:54
I think I've kind of said it really but I can easily say it.
I think the importance of the open marsh landscape, the scale of the building is the proportion
of the buildings, that's the only end this year, the whole development.
Does that give you enough to work on?
Well if I add that scale of an extra 30 % I'd act adversely on the landscape of the marsh
and I believe that our
Before SS 1 SS 2 and HB 1 actually support that
Thought would that give the officers enough to work on
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:08:43
Llywelyn Lloyd - 2:08:47
What I would just provide some advice on, I think where members are concerned is that
the proposed development, I think it might have to get delegated approval to vary the
wording marginally afterwards, but the proposed development by virtue of the bold scale of
design of the dwelling would appear dominant
and being only dominant and incongruent with the rural landscape within the
Southern Council of Lakemore reference to the North and the Chippell SI,
contrary to policy HB1 and SS1 and SS2.
I believe that you need to have some density if that's where you're going because the density of the steam has changed.
We've got bigger units but density is a measure of the amount of energy that you need.
So I would potentially urge you away from that.
Just looking at the count policies, I think those are the ones I think probably you'd need to think about.
and add them in because you've referenced
probably policies around protecting the
landscapes of any three.
we've covered it in excess work.
And surely
it shouldn't be threatening.
I know it's beside the point where it is threatening.
I think clearly for the seat, the planning issue at hand
is that it needs to come to a complete planning merit.
I think it's a draft reason for refusal,
subject to tweaking with something along the lines
of both development and the virtue of the dwelling,
the individual dwelling by the sale
of the individual dwelling options would be overly dominant
and incongruous and that would be a detriment
appearance and visual amenity, in conflict with policies SS1, SS2, HB1, and NE3.
And I'm looking to colleagues to see if they think that's a better word.
But I think that's a better word for the words you've used.
I'm just putting it into, so that you've got a recommendation for refusal.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:11:18
So we have the second proposal which has been proposed and seconded with the
and that is to refuse this particular application against the recommendation of the author.
If anyone goes in favour, please show.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:11:42
Those against, please show.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:11:47
Mr Alex Baker - 2:11:52
Abstention. That's nine in favour, two against and one abstention.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 2:11:55
Application is being refused at this point. Thank you.
And that is it. Thank you all for a very interesting debate.
I'd like to thank the officers.
Good evening until next time.