Planning and Licensing Committee - Tuesday 12 December 2023, 7:00pm - Start video at 0:03:04 - Folkestone & Hythe webcasting

Planning and Licensing Committee
Tuesday, 12th December 2023 at 7:00pm 










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  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. Cllr Jackie Meade
  3. Cllr Jackie Meade
  4. Cllr Jackie Meade
  5. Cllr Anita Jones
  6. Cllr Jackie Meade
  7. Cllr Paul Thomas
  8. Cllr Jackie Meade
  9. Cllr Clive Goddard
  10. Cllr Jackie Meade
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Share this agenda point
  1. Mr David Campbell
  2. Cllr Jackie Meade
  3. Microphone Forty
  4. Cllr Jackie Meade
  5. Microphone Forty
  6. Cllr Jackie Meade
  7. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  8. Cllr Jackie Meade
  9. Microphone A
  10. Cllr Tony Cooper
  11. Cllr Clive Goddard
  12. Cllr Paul Thomas
  13. Cllr Jackie Meade
  14. Cllr Tony Cooper
  15. Cllr Jackie Meade
  16. Mr David Campbell
  17. Cllr Jackie Meade
  18. Cllr Paul Thomas
  19. Cllr Jackie Meade
  20. Cllr Jackie Meade
  21. Cllr Jackie Meade
  22. Mrs Sue Lewis
  23. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. Mr David Campbell
  3. Cllr Jackie Meade
  4. Microphone Forty
  5. Cllr Jackie Meade
  6. Microphone Forty
  7. Cllr Jackie Meade
  8. Microphone Forty
  9. Cllr Jackie Meade
  10. Cllr Tony Cooper
  11. Cllr Jackie Meade
  12. Cllr Nicola Keen
  13. Mr David Campbell
  14. Cllr Nicola Keen
  15. Cllr Jackie Meade
  16. Cllr Tony Cooper
  17. Cllr Jackie Meade
  18. Mr David Campbell
  19. Cllr Tony Cooper
  20. Cllr Clive Goddard
  21. Microphone A
  22. Cllr Tony Cooper
  23. Cllr Jackie Meade
  24. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  25. Cllr Jackie Meade
  26. Microphone A
  27. Cllr Polly Blakemore
  28. Cllr Jackie Meade
  29. Cllr Anita Jones
  30. Cllr Jackie Meade
  31. Cllr Tony Cooper
  32. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  33. Cllr Clive Goddard
  34. Cllr Jackie Meade
  35. Mr David Campbell
  36. Cllr Jackie Meade
  37. Cllr Jackie Meade
Share this agenda point
  1. Cllr Jackie Meade
  2. Cllr Paul Thomas
  3. Cllr Jackie Meade
  4. Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee
  5. Mr David Campbell
  6. Cllr Mike Blakemore
  7. Cllr Jackie Meade
  8. Cllr Mike Blakemore
  9. Cllr Jackie Meade
  10. Mr David Campbell
  11. Cllr Jackie Meade
  12. Cllr Paul Thomas
  13. Cllr Jackie Meade
  14. Microphone A
  15. Cllr Jackie Meade
  16. Cllr Jackie Meade
  17. Cllr Jackie Meade
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  1. Mr Robert Allan
  2. Cllr Jackie Meade
  3. Cllr Jackie Meade
  4. Cllr Paul Thomas
  5. Cllr Jackie Meade
  6. Cllr Jackie Meade
  7. Webcast Finished
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Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:00:01
Good evening, everybody and welcome to the meeting of the Planning and Licensing Committee, this meeting will be broadcast live to the internet, for those who do not wish to be recorded or filmed, you will need to leave the Chamber for members officers and others speaking at the meeting. It is important that the microphones are used, so viewers on the webcast and others in the room may hear you.
would anyone with a mobile phone play switched to silent mode as they can be distracting?
I would like to remind Members that, although we all have strong opinions on matter under consideration, it is important to treat members, officers and public speakers with respect.
and members. As the Chair of this Committee, I would like to make a statement for the benefit of all Councillors, present at this meeting and for members of the public, the applications before you tonight, and indeed any applications you consider in the future must be considered on planning. Minute merits only. It is essential that Members adhere to this principle and ensure their decisions. Tonight are based on the papers before you and any information provided to you during this meeting. This is not the forum to discuss any ancillary issues relating to the planning applications. Before you and with that we shall move on

1 Apologies for Absence

do we have any apologies for absence, please?

2 Declarations of Interest

Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:01:28
thank you, do we have any declarations of interest, Councillor Jones?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:01:34
one-stop, switching off that since.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:01:40
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:01:46
she talked on herself.
well, modern technology you've got to love it.
Cllr Anita Jones - 0:01:59
when I worked lovely so I need to declare an interest I will on 23 1 1 7 2 F h, the reason is when this came through High Town Council, I was sitting on the cancer works committee, I have since left that, but obviously we've still had a few plans which are coming forward there and obviously them you'll see later on that they objected to that so I will not take part in that discussion and I won't vote on it I'll abstain.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:02:24
thank you very much, Councillor Thomas, thank you.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:02:30
so the same for 23 1 2 0 8 4 pavilion, a community hall, I'm a member of New Romney, Town Council, I'm also the chairman of the project steering group for this project so again, but like Anita, I will be leaving the Chamber and take part in the discussion and I won't be
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:02:49
voting on it, thank you very much, thank you any others, Councillor
Cllr Clive Goddard - 0:02:53
Godfrey I just descended on the ward member for 21 2 0 3 5.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:02:59
but we always open, thank you.
any other declarations.

3 Minutes

that's absolutely fine, so if we move on to the minutes of the last meeting.
which she should have had before you.
can we sign them off?
to be considered and approved as a correct record of the minutes of the meeting held on the 7th of November Place.
thank you, I'll sign those off.

5 21/2035/FH - Fairfield Court Farm, Brack Lane, Brookland, TN29 9RX

now we're going by your green paper this evening, so the first application to be heard.
is Fairfield Court Farm, which is 21 dash 2 0 3 5 dash F H, do we have any updates, please?
Mr David Campbell - 0:03:45
good evening, caucus evening, members, just a few brief updates.
the drawing current drawing numbers condition in condition 2 would need to be updated to reflect the nude and drawings that have been submitted point to noticed that there has been an additional comments from an existing objector we believe that those composite addressed already in the report and just a point of clarification on CIL and the development is CIL liable.
unfortunately, the the update committee papers said it wasn't, however, it is smaller than the existing the the the the existing floor spaces is smaller than the proposed floorspace, so that that would mean the net charge would be 0.
that's all, thank you,
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:04:39
thank you very much and we go on to our speakers, our first person to speak tonight is George Staple local resident if you could come forward pleaser, and you have three minutes from when you start, thank you.
Microphone Forty - 0:04:56
this is a planning application which still seeks permission for three large houses in the middle of Romney, Marsh for short-stay accommodation, it relies on a fall-back, bad neighbour use, which the planning officers have advised is a material consideration in the planning decision. Consequently, they say that, although it would normally be considered wholly unacceptable as a matter of principle, permission should be granted or the court of appeal has evolved, a three-stage test to determine whether a fallback use can legitimately be taken into consideration in the planning decision. First, the fallback has to be a lawful use. Second, it is a lawful it if it is lawful, there has to be a realistic prospect of the fallback actually occurring. And, thirdly, if there is a realistic prospect, the fallback can be regarded as a material consideration in the planning balance
in this case, the fallback falls at the first fence, the use described by the applicant in his letter to the Planning Department of the 2nd of February 2023 is not lawful because it would not comply with the terms of the 1995 permission, in particular the requirement to safeguard the amenities of local residents and 8,000 tonne limitation on the distribution from the site.
the Council confirmed that the 1995 emission is sui generis when it refused to let it the certificates of lawful development in 2013 and 2014 for use of the site within classes B, to general industrial and B 8 storage and distribution. Nothing can therefore happen at the site, which does not fall strictly within the express terms of the 1995 permission itself. Even if the fallback were to pass stage 1 stage 2 is not satisfied, there is not a realistic prospect of the fall-back ever actually occurring. It would involve distribute distributing annually up to 32,000 tonnes of mixed product in place of the 8,000 tons provided for in the 1995 permission, together with unlimited quantities of sand, this would cause impenetrable congestion and perilous driving conditions on the local single track access roads and could not happen
so the legal position is that the intended fallback use is not lawful and should be disregarded in the planning decision. However, if consideration of the fallback were to progress to stage 2, there is no realistic prospect of the full-back ever actually occurring and must therefore be disregarded on that basis, it does not, therefore, reach stage 3 as a material consideration and in accordance with the planning officer's own advice, permission should be refused just as a postscript. Madame Chairman, I would, if I may, I would simply add that to do otherwise was essentially amaze of the Council's admirable Green and Blue infrastructure structure strategy published as recently as July this year.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:08:20
thank you sent me.
next to speak, we have Scott Balko.
please come forward, sir, and you have three minutes from when you begin, thank you.
Microphone Forty - 0:08:42
thank you good evening.
as I said at the last meeting, I feel thankful to have worked with the three most senior experienced and expert planning officers in the Council, surrounded by other experts in the fields.
of policy and legal. This process has taken nearly five years. The reason is, because your planning officers have been so thorough. With this proposal, we've had pre-app meetings, dozens of phone calls, hundreds of e-mails, Zoom, calls site meetings guided tours of the local area to see the proposal compares dozens of e-mails, showing designs in examples of how the property should look where they should be located. How tall they should be the overall size and layout
this is why the new drawings are not dramatically different from the from the apart from being smaller.
the properties reflect exactly what the planning officers requested, they looked like where they are located, size and height, no one expects the committee members to do in a week what has taken us nearly four and a half years, but on that basis the Committee should respect the volume of work put in to reach the officer recommendation but more importantly trust that they have done their job right.
just because it's not in the report does not mean it has not been considered, I am confident you can trust that every single aspect of this planning application has been meticulously considered. The planning officers clearly believe that the planning merits are numerous and that the planning permission for this development should be granted the Environment and Environment Agency Kent Highways and the Planning officers agree that the existing activities may continue in line with the 95 planning permission which allows for the processing of soil and sand products, so is it better to have a 40 or 50 lorry movements a day running past pupils' homes and businesses trip less or in rams our countryside or three houses?
there is a net gain in biodiversity from the removal of the saw business from within close proximity to the triple-A Syrian European nature site to oppose the includes substantial new tree and hedgerow planting as well as wildlife zone for the new further new bird and other wildlife habitat including Alan kestrel boxes, the removal of nearly 2000 square metres of hardstanding concrete replaced by garden and landscaping which benefits a triple-A SCI in terms of water quality, a significant reduction in emissions which supports the climate change agenda, a huge improvement in the landscape character and tranquillity to the benefit of the local environment and community through replacing 11 under square metres of 10 metre highest bestows roof barns with 660 square metres of beautiful housing.
you are charged with the responsibility of making a decision that positively change the lives and living experience of every neighbour and visitors to the area. There are neighbours opposing this application, but the EA have suggested that the same neighbours are responsible for the vast majority of the hundreds of complaints that have been received about us operating as a business. It is important to recognise that the other 11 neighbours that live on the access route have not opposed this application. In summary, I can assure you that the advice from the three most senior planning officers regarding this application is sound. There have been overwhelmingly diligent about every aspect of this application. Ensuring we have provided exactly what they have envisioned is appropriate for the site and surrounding area with regard to the property size, location, appearance and design. Your time is not surplus. Finish your sentence. We believe there is nothing negative to consider. My hope is that you can all trust. The planning department have successfully done their job and you can follow the recommendation to approve this application. Thank you. Thank you, sir.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:12:02
so over to you Councillors,
does anyone have any questions or any comments please?
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:12:15
Councillor HinesBuy, sorry, I'm struggling a little bit with my voice this evening.
can I can can officers confirm that the reason for turning it here last time, I mean that's only what we should be considering if that's right, as I understand it, and according to 1.1 it's for our officers to discuss reducing the scale, size and appearance of the proposed dwellings with the applicant, which it appears that they've done and it's one to bring the report back to Committee following the these discussions. So I'm in my my view that's what's happened and that's what's being done so I'm very happy to move the recommendation
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:12:54
so Councillor Hensby is recommending, and Councillor Caine is seconding with one of the officers like to reply on that, please.
Microphone A - 0:13:13
thank you Chair good evening members.
in terms of what Members considered the last time this application was before them, the issue, the principle of the development and the issue of fall-back were raised in and are the subject of fairly lengthy sections in in the report was appended to the update report tonight so have irrelevant sections on page 59 to 61 of the report.
as Councillor Hornsby pointed out, members considerably issues in deferred consideration of the application in order to allow officers to seek improvements to the design and, in particular, reducing the scale of the units now Members on prohibited from determining the application on the basis of the full-back use tonight but what I would say is that members need to exercise a degree of caution having deferred the matter for the deferred the the item for matters relating to design and scale.
members need to exercise caution in considering issues which
in accordance with the the resolution of the committee, members appear to have considered at the previous meeting, so I think is Mr. Campbell set out to members at the meeting if you're looking to refuse the application on on any particular matter, the opportunity to do so was then,
I'm not saying that members can't do that tonight, but in a recent appeal case we lost costs on an item that Members had deferred for reasons relating to flood risk and subsequently refused on the basis of harm to residential amenity and the reason we lost costs is that the Inspector considered that the applicant had a legitimate expectation. I'm not sure those are his precise words that the matter of flood that the matter of residential amenity had previously been considered by this Committee and to then refuse the application on that basis, when it was deferred simply for flood risk amounted to unreasonable behaviour on the part of the Council. So I think, like I said, Members you are entitled. This committee is entitled to refuse it on matters relating to principle to whether or not the lawful use can re recommence, and I think you'd need to exercise caution on the basis that it's implicit in Members resolution the last time this was before them that that matter had been considered and Members had found it acceptable from the scheme acceptable subject to matters of scale
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:16:01
and design. Thank you. Thank you. Councillor Goddard
thank you Chairman, good evening.
I think I won't bang on too much because I think.
Cllr Clive Goddard - 0:16:08
Councillor Hollington, you say all, but while we all pick up on is the successful to the success story of the Committee. Basically it's virtually five months to the day that the committee said no Toby the applicant winter buy, worked with the officers and has come back, and some quite impressive figures, with the length 2.7 metres carved of that the week 8.1 metres cut off the width as a massive amount. Looking at another building 3.2 metres card of the carved of the length 3.4 metres carved of the width so and it goes on and on. So I think again I went to I, they listened to the committee on the mess they worked with the officers, the last five months and come back with a scheme that should be acceptable to all. So I think either the committee can sort of feel feel good with this. It is good when we've done it in the past, deferred like work with the
the officers and I've come back and come back with a scheme suitable so credit to the to the applicant any architect on this, and I fully support thank you.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:17:20
thank you, Councillor, Thomas yeah, advice and support, while Councillor Hollington and Councillor Goddard have said.
when you have a look at what this is going to do in terms of improvement into the area of the removal of the bund, the removal of the soil business and the building of 3 additional places on what is essentially a brownfield site, you know it has to be beneficial to the local community so I fully support the approval of this application thank you Chair,
thank you, would anyone else like to speak on this?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:17:48
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:17:49
I'd like to ask a couple of questions, please share them on me.
the first question is this when we decided to refer this back to the officers in July.
it was my understanding is on a Saturday, or maybe when it was done, that was to see if the design could be improved. Now I take on board what Councillor Goddess a day in respect of that with being reduced, et cetera, but I think in reality the size of these buildings is irrelevant because the number of bedrooms haven't changed. I would also suggest that a new junction of 60 odd 18 inches of the ICT reef it makes the buildings themselves in the local area visible just like to solve or dislike each other there, and I would also say, given that 11 neighbours may not have complained, doesn't mean to say that silence is consent, we've all and e-mails, and the planning departments and e-mails are for the Speaker and also someone else, and I think he's made some good points there, and none of those points have even been considered addressed and the middle due respect. It seems to me tonight that there was just being brushed under the carpet agenda day. The purpose of us, listening to people making representations is to ensure that we get the full information before us now. I understand, from the contents of the e-mail that we all received.
that's, among other things, there was issues regarding, for example, air traffic.
no care we cannot fit in, so we can have 50 lorries a day, galloping down a narrow track.
but that bluff, but that would be going on every day.
at the end of the day, with the additional 30 odd people going to be living here is going to be watched Swansea toilets, there's gonna be how many car movements a day I'm not around I mean we need to consider that think as well and what I also would suggest that we also consider is if, for example, there was a fire if that lane gets blocked and associated matters like that and I'm not to be honest with you quite frankly,
I'm not too impressed that they've gone away and come back with a reduction in height
6 or 18 inches, and I am seriously not impressed it, I'm afraid, thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:20:12
thank you, I believe we have had no objections from Highways on this.
yes, that's correct.
Mr David Campbell - 0:20:19
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:20:22
would anyone else like to speak on this?
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:20:25
Councillor Thomas the FA, if I could just make a comment to to answer Councillor Cooper's concerns, if you drive around the Braque Lane, Old House, Old House Lane Carter Lane Carnedd Svn Oregon King Street, you'll find many large houses in and around the area that are not out of keeping with what's being proposed today, and they're all on similar single track roads. They are the same roads that used to service all of the farms in the area as well. So again, whilst it might not be ideal part of living Allonby Marsh, as you have to live on roads that are single tracks, so again I think you know it from their perspective. It's not out of keeping with other houses and and other
residential arrangements in the area, thank you Chair.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:21:18
thank you, so I think, will go to the vote, we have one recommendation in front of us, and that is to accept, from the deferred decision with the smaller houses.
can I see all those in favour please,
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:21:39
thank you those against.
and that makes no.
o and any abstentions.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:21:53
Mrs Sue Lewis - 0:21:55
10 4 against one abstentions 1
thank you that has passed.

7 23/1208/FH - Maude Pavilion & Community Hall, Station Road, New Romney, TN28 8BB

Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:22:00
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:22:05
we now move on to our next one, which is the moored pavilion and community hall, which is 23 dash 1 2 0 8 dash F H.
we have three people to speak on this one, our first speaker is Councillor 0 swiftly, Zoe do we have any updates?
Mr David Campbell - 0:22:38
yes, just a few updates, first of all, we've had a list of conditions by KCC Highways, so we'll look to incorporate that into the list is basically relates to a construction management plan, because two loading parking wheel, washing and retention of parking and cycle spaces,
we have also also, during an ongoing dialogue with KCC ecology, we have had some additional information in cases, the Oncology have asked for more and we understand that forthcoming.
but essentially we would like to amend the recommendation, just ask the delegation to work through the KCC ecology issues it mainly relate to waterfalls so and whether in any additional surveys or mitigation is needed, so that that would be the amendment to the
the only other comments I may. I think the report should have set out in the amenity section, that there should be an acknowledgment that the new nursery building is moving closer to existing residential properties in in the area, but
given that its single storey at that point,
given the existing use on site, we don't believe that would be a reason to to to refuse the application,
thank you.
thank you very much.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:24:01
we have three speakers on this. Our first speaker to night is Councillor Rivers, if you could come forward good evening, sir, and you have three minutes from when you start, thank you.
Microphone Forty - 0:24:18
yeah, good evening, Chair and Councillors. Approval of this application will provide the town with a much-needed sports pavilion to replace the 100 year old MOD pavilion. It would provide a 150 seat community hall and a separate building which will be used as a 90 place nursery early years facility and provide additional community space which can be potentially be used during the evenings and weekends. The design has been the subject for many stakeholder meetings to ensure it met the requirements of the FA Kent, cricket and Ofsted, as well as the original design brief for the community hall, which was achieved through a number of levels of local resident engagement. All of the buildings are built to BREEAM certification for their sustainability.
we are the only town village on the margins, that does not have a community hall, unlike those in Lydd Brookland Brenzett, Ivor Church, New Church, Tim Church and St Mary's Bay, the design of the sports pavilion provides the football and cricket club with the facilities they need to grow their youth football.
Crowley, girls, women's football and provide facilities for those with disabilities the new design includes a clubhouse, which is vital for the commercial success of the sports club, as this will provide their main source of revenue growing youth football is vital for the physical and mental wellbeing of our young people and provide them a focus at a time when other youth services are being cut.
the community hall would provide a facility to allow clubs and societies to meet and improve the health and wellbeing of our residents. It will provide a focal point during emergencies to allow the Council to support residents in their hour of need, and we certainly could have done with that. During the recent flooding events in New Romney, the nursery facility will provide up to 90 spaces to allow local families to have high quality childcare provision, thereby enabling them to meet the family demands, whether that be through part-time work or caring for other family members. Some parts of this facility will also be available during the evening and weekends to provide additional community space if required. The new design provides over 20 cycle spaces and 41 parking spaces, which will alleviate the traffic parking problems currently endured on match days. It also includes air source, heat pumps for building heating and the provision of solar panels. Thank you for listening and please approve this application in line with the officers recommendations
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:26:48
thank you very much, sir, and our next speaker is Councillor Windmill, who is the ward member, can you please come forward, sir, good evening and you have three minutes from when you start?
Microphone Forty - 0:27:01
you'll be very pleased to hear that almost lost my voice, so I'll try and keep this as quick as I can. First of all, I'd just like to point out Caribbean Chair and Committee members right to point out that I've always supported a community hall for the Sportsground and for the district. I appreciate the opportunity to address you today regarding this planning application, which are, according to committee, due to the prolonged history and the need for clarity for the residents of New Romney to provide some context, this sports hall proposal has been in works for an extensive period originally stretching back 14 years ago. The initial intention was to utilise the proceeds from the sale of some land to construct a new sports pavilion over the years of project has witnessed numerous changes in leadership, with varying varying visions and ambitions. At 1.00 point, the council commissioned Guy Holloway significant
sir, to design a community hall and pavilion, which I must remind you, received planning permission in this very Chamber four years ago, regrettably, the circumstances to believe that the costs of building this facility exceeded the available budget, consequently, a scaled-down version of the building was proposed, however this redesign revised design fell short of the promise exemplar structure that residents of New Bromley but desired.
and deserved what we see in the current planning application is not merely a community hall or sports pavilion, but the addition of a children's nursery this proposal has now shifted to a different location, just a few metres from residential housing, which the reason was our schools in.
this change raises concerns about potential noise disruption caused by pre-school children and the inconvenience of drop-off and pick-up activities throughout the day from new nearby residents.
while I am certainly in favour of realising promise sports, probably in the current design, fall short of what was initially presented to our town. Furthermore, the addition of commercial childcare business at the core of this application deviates significantly from what the people of New Romney were originally promised. It's worth noting that Newham is other independent Councillor Paul Thomas serves on the committee as chairman. Over the past four years, I've raised questions why the regional concept of the promised sports pavilion and community cull cannot be executed on the initially proposed site for which planning permission was previously granted. However, the current proposal represents a different building with different commercial purpose, and he occupies a different position altogether. Several concerned residents who are under the impression that the application was a simple modification to the original plan were unaware of any covers or consultation period reached out to me and requested that I call this application into question. In light of these, I kindly request the Committee to further decision on this application. This will allow the people of New Road need the opportunity to determine whether they support the town council's decision to to buy over 1 million pounds subsidise the commercial childcare centre, located in close proximity to residential homes.
it's important to consider whether it is in place to finish your sentence, please, I certainly will I saw Hancock it's important to consider whether spaceship could instead be used for community projects that Co exists within the childcare business, thank you for your attention to these important matters and I trust you will take these into interest into these interests and concerns into community into account, unlike say I'm all for the whole.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:30:33
thank you, Councillor, when we will get better soon, our last speaker on this is, Alex Richard, could you come forward?
good evening, so we have three minutes from when you start.
Microphone Forty - 0:30:53
thank you evening, members, thank you for every way. This is a revised application for New Romney Town Council, following a scheme you kindly approved in 2019. The enabling residential development has been constructed. However, as I'm sure you all know, due to market conditions, it's no longer generating enough funds to realise that previously designed community building. The positive is that we do have the funds now available to deliver the updated One Care of that enabling residential. Furthermore, this post has given us the opportunity to work with the Town Council and the immediate stakeholders to refine the brief, and I'm pleased to say that actually we were able to do more with less care at the time we've had in this process. There is no loss of design quality and we're now able to deliver a brand new purpose-built nursery, as opposed to the previous proposals, which sought to refurbish the former boxing club, which proved quite an expensive task
these new proposals also allow for a phased approach, meaning there is no loss of the current facility or a temporary home for the nursery provision due to the phasing of the scheme, the scheme has also revised its sustainability aspirations.
is heating and powering is now able to be achieved from a centralised plant room and heating by through a district heating system. We've worked hard to ensure that no statutory objections, Sport England, have removed their holding objection once they understood the proposals in more detail and the KCC ecology concern you had around water vote has now been resolved gave a robust construction management plan
the funny the my closing point is, the amenity is actually improved through the scheme care of the the relocation of the revised building and the new nursery building, turning its back on the residential rather than putting a car park next to it, so we can now have a safeguarded play area for the for the nursery and the costs come in at the other end of the site. I'd like to thank you again for that. First approval that allowed us to construct that enabling RUSI and hopefully the recommendation here allows for a new and improved facility for Romney Town Council.
thank you.
I think he saw an imperfect time.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:32:52
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:32:54
so over to you Councillors, I have Councillor King first.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:32:57
Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:32:58
some rather confused, and was the nursery always part of the plan.
I think the approved scheme was to refurbish the existing nursery, so what I don't understand, then is why have these objections about the nursery have been raised, when football players and cricket players will make exactly the same noise as small children, it just seems a little bit too cool even for that reason,
Mr David Campbell - 0:33:24
maybe it's just just to confirm that the existing nursery is the other side of the sports pavilion, so it has flipped around the site just to make sure that there is a difference, the noise would remain the same, we don't believe noise as a reason to refuse it is. There is an argument that we just wanted to flag up initially, that it's going closer to some of the houses, but we don't think well, I think it's a
Cllr Nicola Keen - 0:33:48
really good idea to New Romney and I think we should go less than this one.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:33:52
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:33:54
so we have a proposal for Councillor Kane and actually Surrey on second thing, this one.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:33:59
with one with one proviso that we make sure that within the conditions
Mr David Campbell - 0:34:07
we protect those water waterfalls, yes, it's conditioned, but we also would like some additional comments from KCC ecology on what's recently coming in so yeah that as well,
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:34:21
Councillor Goddard, thank you Ben Sherman, I'm just just picking up on
Cllr Clive Goddard - 0:34:25
on the neighbours, obviously Councillor Wimbledon did point out about neighbours complaining, and I'll see no neighbours.
have complained, but is there obviously we do, we keep a list of who was notified and everybody's been notified, so are Petric procedures that are all or 100% about bore, because obviously you know we, we've we've got a tight knit has picked up on the last last speakers, people spoken, you know we've got to follow up with Councillor Womble is concerned about people haven't been notified. So as long as we were happy that they have been notified, thank you
Microphone A - 0:35:08
thank you Chair, yes, so our our system records that we notified 55 neighboring properties and, as set out in the report, we we didn't receive any any objections, no representations made to us objecting, thank you.
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:35:23
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:35:26
Councillor Polly Blake, rather than Councillor Nita Johnson.
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 0:35:32
thank you Chair. I fully support this proposal, particularly in terms of the sustainability aspect of the proposed bill, but I just wonder if we couldn't take that one stepfather further when asked for at least one, if not two EV charge points to be installed in the car park because I know having having looked whether nearest council car parks are well under some distance from now and I think that would add to the the ethos that this is trying to be maintained here.
I see everyone quickly flicking through their papers.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:36:05
what I would say is that I was actually very impressed with the environmental design of this building, which I had to think fits in very nicely with our current Council thinking, can we ask about AV points, do we have anything on there, or is it something that we could?
add to maybe not as a condition but a
and ask?
Microphone A - 0:36:34
I, I think we we certainly can impose a condition requiring that.
if Members so desire, I think we we'd need clarity on the number of charging points that Members Members require.
and obviously that would need to be added to the to the to the motion on the floor.
yeah, just looking at the size of the car park, I would have thought
Cllr Polly Blakemore - 0:37:01
t, you got 41 parking spaces and 2, including 2 disabled, so I would have thought to charge points, would be sensible, way forward.
and I'm seeing notes on that, so if we could actually add that thank
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:37:17
you very much Councillor Jones and I was just going to say I struggled
Cllr Anita Jones - 0:37:18
to find anything negative about this, I think it's a wonderful idea and it's gonna be fantastic in New Romney I think it will help improve the health of the area and people's mental wellbeing, physical wellbeing,
as I said, sustainability goals are fantastic on it so yeah definitely in favour and wants to see this move forward,
thank you, Councillor Cooper.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:37:40
Cllr Tony Cooper - 0:37:42
this is long overdue and I think it merits a lot of support and are more than happy to support this as well, thank you.
thank you, Councillor Helsby.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:37:56
thank you Chair, really, I just wanted to say that it's been a long time coming and it's really good to see it here now, OK, so it might not be exactly as originally thought about, but it seems to me that it's a very modern,
building with all the necessary beacon, eco, logical environment.
I don't think we've got any reason to be talking negatively about it, as Councillor Jones has actually said, so I I welcome it after so many years I remember the original one was at 4.00 or five years ago being agreed.
and I'm pleased to still be on the committee in them are actually hopefully seeing actually appear. Thank you, thank you. Would anyone else like to speak, Councillor Goddard, just pick it up on that,
Cllr Clive Goddard - 0:38:54
obviously you know it is gonna be slightly. Obviously now it is a Holloway's building everybody, every everybody knows more for Donald Holloway's, but it means now lead. We'll have to build one even better
to to challenge no woman is, so I'll have to give Mr Richards a call in the morning to get the ball one woman on that one.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:39:23
so I'm just going to hand over to the officer to actually clarify the changes that we're making to the proposal, so everyone is absolutely clear on it, thank you.
Mr David Campbell - 0:39:33
thank you, yes, there's there's there's two changes, firstly for us to continue dialogue with KCC ecology to make sure water voles are safeguarded on site, and, secondly, to add the additional condition on electric charging points, as suggested by Councillor Blakenall.
yeah so.
doesn't that, yeah, that the recommendation is the same as that, thank
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:39:56
you, so we have one recommendation in front of us and that's to grant the application that was proposed by Councillor Kane, seconded by myself, can I see all those in favour, please, with the changes,
virtually anonymous, thank you very much.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:40:17
we now move on to 120 High Street Hove.
we're just going to get Councillor Thomas back.

4 23/1172/FH - 120 High Street, Hythe, Folkestone, CT21 5LE

Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:40:38
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:40:40
welcome back Councillor Thomas apologies for eating the mince pies Chair.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:40:43
so we move on to 120 High Street Highways, which is 23 1 1 7 2 dash, if Ange do we have any, we have no updates, and in fact we have no speakers on this as well, so it's over to the Councillors place, Councillor Hensby first then Councillor M Whiteflat more.
Cllr Jennifer Hollingsbee - 0:41:04
well I I
chairman, I have read this with interest several times and it seems it seems a very sensible for Rose or to me the only concern I had was was an internal space and I'd like a comment on that, but otherwise I'm going to move the recommendation.
Mr David Campbell - 0:41:25
thank you if we could have a comment yeah, I mean these aren't dwellings, these are holiday lets, so there's not any any space standards, had they been dwellings, they would fall short, but as they're not because it's holiday, let we think they're acceptable.
so would you like to propose Councillor Moresby?
Cllr Mike Blakemore - 0:41:42
thank you, do we have a seconder, Councillor Goddard, Councillor
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:41:46
Cllr Mike Blakemore - 0:41:48
my question is about height, and whether the building I read that it can't be seen from very far away, but nevertheless is the building higher than its neighbours, is it higher than the previous building approved?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:42:16
where were the officers as they just double-check hurry?
Mr David Campbell - 0:42:27
so this is the this is the approved elevations.
and that's the that's the currently proposed so.
they leave the building, seem largely very similar to what was approved last time, but it's it's really that before it was one holiday, let and now it's two, that's the main change, and there are also additional windows on this front of front elevation that navigate the key differences.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:43:11
would anyone else like to make a comment, Councillor Thomas?
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:43:16
OK, thank you, yeah yeah, I just have a question really about, so in section 7 1 8, of the officer's report, it says that the lack of off-street parking was not sufficient reason to refuse because of its town centre, location or not, and I just wondered, we've seen that a few times and I wonder whether that actually needs to be formalised at some stage in terms of updating the policy. Perhaps so we can get there and not sail round that boy again at time and again, thank you Chair. That's all
would you like to comment on the traffic we have discussed the
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:43:48
previously in the meeting.
Microphone A - 0:43:58
thank you Chair whether the parking standards are set out in policies in the places and policies, local plan, saying town centre locations like this, where you can easily walked, shops and services in this public transport available, any parking standards are maximum so in in circumstances like this application in or as you will see the applications coming next on the agenda 0 provision of parking is is considered acceptable and in accordance with local plan policy.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:44:37
has anyone else got any comments they'd like to make?
I am not seeing any indication, so we have one proposal and that is to accept the officers recommendation, all those in favour, please raise your hand.
those against.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:44:53
that's passed, thank you very much.

6 23/1375/FH - 118 Cheriton Road, Folkestone, CT19 5HQ

Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:45:01
I will move on to allow some of the evening, which is a 1 1 8 Cheriton Road in Folkestone, which is 23 dash 1 3 7 5 dash F h, do you have an update, please?
Mr Robert Allan - 0:45:19
you can even check me remembers no updates to make.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:45:28
thank you, and we have no speakers on this one either.
would any Councillor like to ask a question or to raise an issue?
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:45:39
I'm seeing no indications, so in that case we will go straight to the vote, so the recommendation sorry.
Cllr Paul Thomas - 0:45:52
Councillor Thomas, I would like to propose the application for approval, thank you.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:45:55
so proposed by Councillor Thomas seconded by Councillor Cooper all those in favour of accepting the officer's recommendations.
Cllr Jackie Meade - 0:46:10
let unanimous thank you very much for this evening, may I wish everyone who is watching a merry Christmas and a peaceful and happy
Webcast Finished - 0:46:18
new year, thank you very much.